Easter: how to prepare traditional drinks to accompany this celebration

It's time to know what to prepare on these dates to enjoy your days off with family and friends. We leave you some recipes that will be of great help for this religious holiday.

It's Easter and many are already planning how to enjoy the best weekend with family or friends. In addition to looking for where to go sightseeing and what typical dishes to eat, there is another type of celebration. It's all about traditional drinks this holiday season. It is important to know what they are and what they are for.

In this sense, it follows the step by step of the drinks consumed in some countries of the world, as well as in Peru. Liquids that go beyond wine or beer.


Agua de obispo

In Mexico the bishop's water is known. According to the Mexican media El Heraldo, it is a traditional drink from that country that is prepared during the Lenten and Easter season. It is made from apple, beet, banana and peanuts.

It is also known as “blood of Christ” or “tears of the virgin”. It is known that the preparation of bishop's water dates back to the 16th century as part of the prayers to the Virgin Dolorosa and this water refers to the suffering she suffered for her son. The media adds that other versions point out that it was part of the creation of the monks in the western region of the country with fruits that they cultivated.

For its preparation, the already peeled beetroot must be cooked in water, while it cools, the other ingredients should be finely chopped. Then it is blended with a little of the water where the cooking took place. Finally, it is strained to mix with the rest of the ingredients and the amount to sweeten it is optional. You can even add ice or frost the glass with salt.


- 2lt. of beet water

- 1 cup of cooked and diced beets

- 1 cup of lettuce chopped into thin strips

- 1 cup diced apple

- 1 cup sliced banana

- 1 cup of orange wedges

- ½ cup of natural peanuts (clean and peeled)

- Sugar

- Ice

-½ liter of water


- In a jug or large container place the beet, lettuce, apple, banana, orange, peanuts, half a liter of water and stir well.

- Add the beet water, sugar and ice to your liking and stir very well.

Agua de obispo, México.

Limonada de vino

It is considered a traditional drink at Easter, made from wine, lemons, sugar and cinnamon. In some cases fruit, raisins or figs can be added. Versions point out that the origin dates from the Kingdom of León, although it is not very clear. Legend points out that in conflicts between Christians and Jews if one saw the enemy drinking a lemonade, it meant that he would kill the Jews.

The latter is a version not 100% accurate, because it is part of the various theories about the origin of that expression. One of them says that the ecclesiastical authorities allowed the consumption of wine reduced in the taverns of the Humid Quarter so that the excitement caused by drunken Christians on their way to the Jewish quarter would be less serious.


- 5lt. of red wine

- 1lt of orange juice

- 1kg of oranges cut in 4

- 1 cup of lemon juice

- ½ kilo of lemons halved

- 5 cinnamon sticks

- 6 bananas cut into slices

- 8 apples chopped into small cubes

- 1 cup of raisins

- ½ kilo of figs (if it is dry much better)


- In a large bowl or pot add all the ingredients except the sugar and stir well, let it rest and ferment for at least two days.

- After the time has elapsed, try and if necessary you can sweeten it with sugar to taste.

Limonada de Vino, tradicional en España por Semana Santa.Ildiko Papp | Getty Images/iStockphoto