Earthquake in Ucayali: 4.5 earthquake alarmed pucallpinos

A strong tremor alarmed the pucallpinos on the morning of this Tuesday, April 12.


TREMOR IN UCAYALI. An earthquake alarmed the pucallpinos minutes after 01:28 p.m. on the morning of this Tuesday, April 12. According to official IGP data, the telluric movement had a magnitude of 4.5 degrees and its epicenter was located in Ucayali.

The report from the Geophysical Institute of Peru indicates that the earthquake occurred 38 km southwest of Pucallpa, Colonel Portillo-Ucayali, at a depth of 140 kilometers.

So far, local authorities at the National Institute of Civil Defense (Indeci) have not yet reported personal or material damage due to the earthquake that occurred this morning on Tuesday, April 12.

What to do in the event of an earthquake?

- Keep calm and go to established safety zones.

- Attend and be aware of minors, seniors and people with different abilities.

- Get away from windows, exterior doors, walls, mirrors and glass.

- Distance yourself from electrical cables and poles on the street.

- Finally, the regional authorities of the Indeci ask to remain calm and to locate safe areas inside and outside the home to avoid damage.

- One of the implements to keep on hand are the emergency backpack with masks, tools, alcohol, canned basic foods, portable radio, etc.

- In addition, they advise having an emergency backpack that contains tools, portable radio and non-perishable canned basic foods.

- Take into account that Peru is located in the area called the Pacific Belt of Fire, where approximately 85% of the world's seismic activity is recorded.


The so-called rescue backpack or emergency backpack must have basic elements to face the first day of a crisis in an emergency after an earthquake.

- First aid kit.

- Hygiene items: antibacterial gel, toilet paper (2 units), hand and face towels (4 units) and wet cloths.

- Food: Canned food (2 units minimum), packs of water cookies, still bottled water (2 liters) and chocolate bar (2 units).

- Coat: Fleece blankets (2 pieces), slippers.

- Money: Coins.