Colombia U20 team will play against Peru as if it were a final to continue dreaming for the quota in the world cup

The 'tricolor' team scored two points, the product of two draws, in their two outings at the South American


The Colombia women's under-20 team will meet this Tuesday, April 12 at 3:00 in the afternoon against its Peruvian counterpart. This will be the third match for the coffee makers who must win to stay in the top of the table and qualify for the final phase of the championship, where places are awarded to the world championship in the category in Costa Rica.

In the last practice before the match, the Colombian team again had the group divided in two. The players who had minutes against Venezuela did muscle activation exercises thinking about their recovery. While the remaining group had a practice of mobility and precision work with the ball.

The captain of the team, María Camila Reyes, attended the media prior to the duel that will be played at the Nicolás Chahuán stadium in La Calera, Chile. There he said that the team is focused and that the remaining matches will be assumed as a final:

“We are focused on moving to the next round. There are important matches left, there are very close dates, nothing is decisive yet. We know what we are capable of.”

For the steering wheel, the main problem of the team has been the effectiveness on the front line. In both matches, against Argentina and Venezuela, Gisella Robledo scored only one goal on the third date of the tournament:

On the rival, María Camila assured that we should not trust ourselves despite the fact that the Peruvian national team has not yet scored points and they are last in the group that is completed by Argentina, Venezuela and Chile:

Finally, Mariana Muñoz, Atlético Nacional player, placed special emphasis on the mood of the group after the difficult start of the South American U-20:

The coffee players will have the challenge of ratifying their candidacy and high level to return to a new World Cup after 12 years without reaching this stage, when they ranked fourth in Germany 2010.

