Alcohol restrictions begin and gatherings in parks in Bogotá

On the night of April 11, security measures began to apply for commercial establishments that sell intoxicating drinks

Foto panorámica de archivo de la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia). EFE/MAURICIO DUEÑAS CASTAÑEDA

The Mayor's Office of Bogotá approved Decree 119 of 2022, which establishes a series of provisional and preventive restrictions to strengthen security and public order in Bogotá. Measures that limit gatherings in parks and the sale and consumption of intoxicating drinks began to take effect on the night of April 11.

Limitations on parks, environmental corridors and urban squares apply from 10:00 at night until 4:00 in the morning of the next day. During this period of time, the permanence and concentration of people is prohibited. It also prohibits the consumption of intoxicating drinks to “ensure peaceful coexistence, tranquility and safety conditions for the inhabitants of the city”, the decree reads.

In the case of commercial establishments that sell alcoholic beverages, they may carry out their economic activity from 10:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the morning of the following day, “provided that the establishment is linked to a local security front”. If this is not the case, the schedule will be from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 in the morning of the following day.

It should be recalled that the local security front is coordinated by the Bogotá Metropolitan Police or the care network coordinated by the District Secretariat for Security, Coexistence and Justice.

The document issued by the administration of Mayor Claudia López also states that these establishments “must take the necessary measures to prevent quarrels and violent confrontations from developing on their premises”. This in order to avoid physical aggressions or scandals that affect economic activity, tranquility and healthy coexistence.

With regard to the sale and consumption of intoxicating beverages in areas surrounding university schools, within a perimeter of 200 meters, the decree states: “It may not be carried out between five in the morning (5:00am) and three in the afternoon (3:00pm) on the same day, from Monday to Saturday”. Like the previous regulations, this schedule applies to those linked to the local security front, while those who do not have it, may carry out their activity between 3:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

“Restaurants in the area covered by this article may sell alcoholic and/or intoxicating beverages solely and exclusively as a companion to meals,” the district added.

Restrictions for motorcyclists

As of April 18, motorcycle drivers must carry the vehicle identification on the external back of their safety cases, “on a dark background and white letter and without any element or design that impedes or obstructs their visibility”, the decree states.

They may also use this identification on their clothing in a visible place, “the license plate number assigned to the vehicle, in reflective letters and numbers, whose size shall be at least nine (9) centimeters high by (4) four centimeters wide for each letter or number”, explained in the document.

The traffic restriction for motorcycles with male companions will apply from 7:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. the following day, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This restriction will take effect on Thursday, April 21, 2022 and will be effective until June 30, 2022.

This is Decree 119 of 2022 which contains all the restrictions and the dates on which they will operate: