After 10 years without being seen, a species of snake was found in a workshop yard on the first line of the Bogotá metro

The animal is kept in good condition while biologists do constant work to preserve habitats in the best way while building the front line of the modern transport system.


As it has been reported, last March the so-called swamp snake appeared, which had not been seen for 10 years. This appeared in the town of Bosa while the adaptation of the Bogotá Metro workshop yard is being advanced, which is progressing in the structuring of the 1st line.

Experts have said that although it has not been widely seen in recent years, it could be ruled out that they have nests in place. The reptile is 69 centimeters tall and is already an adult, so far there are 7 specimens found in the area.

In addition to the snake, other animal species have been found in the place, so experts have had to be handed over to state entities such as the National University and the Department of the District of the Environment of Bogotá.

Among the animals delivered to the centers of passage since August 10, they have given the figure of 77 savannah frogs, 7 swamp snakes, a species of white-legged mouse and a migratory cuckoo, a type of medium bird that usually nests in other people's nests waiting for other birds to feed their chicks.


All these animals, and others, are observed by the biologists responsible for this work in the Metro works, and there will be a determination of their state of health and the next step for their relocation.

“The biologists emphasize that with each of these findings, the animals were reviewed in order to determine their physiological and anatomical state, and thus proceed to leave them at the disposal of the centers of passage, where, after an analysis, it is determined whether they require any special treatment or can be continued with its relocation and liberation”, Metro de Bogotá.

The company has also announced the Environmental Management Plan that they carry out, so they recognize the procedure when it comes to dealing with a discovery of wildlife within the area where works are being carried out. Birds have consistently been the most sighted in the area, so a plan has been implemented that consists of allowing nests with eggs to finish all their natural process before they are removed.

In the report, they say that to date “12 nests have been found, of which eight developed on the site, and that they corresponded to the following species: sea sparrowhawk, country owl, caravans, savanero canary and dove pigeons”. At the same time, 6 nests, according to the company, were removed from the site when it was confirmed that they were abandoned by the birds.