A beach and a small pool: how to create an oasis for bees

The best way to encourage the reproduction of wild bees is, even if it sounds incredible, to provide them with a small beach in the garden itself. How?

02.05.2018, Berlin: Eine Gehörnte Mauerbiene
02.05.2018, Berlin: Eine Gehörnte Mauerbiene sucht sich im Wildbienen-Schaugarten in Berlin-Treptow einen Ort zum Nisten. Der Schaugarten wurde von der Initiative _Deutschland summt_ zusammen mit dem Verband der Gartenfreunde Berlin-Treptow e.V. errichtet und verdeutlicht, wie Gärten und Natur dem Überleben der Wildbienen zu Gute kommen können. Foto: Jörg Carstensen/dpa ++ +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

The best way to encourage the reproduction of wild bees is, even if it sounds incredible, to provide them with a small beach in the garden itself. How?

The German environmental organization BUND advises to create in the garden a sunny and sandy area for wild bees. This is because most of the species of this group of insects nest on the ground.

They can also be used as habitat by a piece of dead wood or a pile of stacked firewood scraps.

In addition, anyone who wants to practice insect-friendly gardening should think of a small pool so that bees can drink water.

The BUND advises you to fill a shallow bowl and place some stones or some wood in it so that the bees can sit and drink water.

In this way, the bowl serves as a landing and drinking place for them. At the end of the day, what they are looking for is that and not a pool to swim in.

