Two women were killed with a machete in San Luis Potosí: the person responsible is a child under 16

The prosecution already has a line of investigation into what was the motive and the circumstances surrounding the events

JIUTEPEC, MORELOS, 23AGOSTO2019. Una joven, perito en fotografía, de la Fiscalía del Estado, toma imágenes en una escena de crimen. El cadáver de un hombre con los pies y manos atados, tapado con una bolsa negra de basura y una cartulina con un mensaje, fue dejado en la calle Maravillas de la colonia Bugambilias la noche de este jueves. Policía de Morelos limito el área, para que después investigadores de la fiscalía recabaran evidencias para la averiguación que se inicia, finalmente minutos antes de la medianoche el cadáver fue levantado por el Semefo. FOTO: MARGARITO PÉREZ RETANA /CUARTOSCURO.COM
JIUTEPEC, MORELOS, 23AGOSTO2019. Una joven, perito en fotografía, de la Fiscalía del Estado, toma imágenes en una escena de crimen. El cadáver de un hombre con los pies y manos atados, tapado con una bolsa negra de basura y una cartulina con un mensaje, fue dejado en la calle Maravillas de la colonia Bugambilias la noche de este jueves. Policía de Morelos limito el área, para que después investigadores de la fiscalía recabaran evidencias para la averiguación que se inicia, finalmente minutos antes de la medianoche el cadáver fue levantado por el Semefo. FOTO: MARGARITO PÉREZ RETANA /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The Attorney General's Office of the State of San Luis Potosí identified and captured the murderer of Rosa María S. and Luisa B., aged 72 and 45, who were found lifeless and with stab wounds on Thursday night, April 7, in the municipality of Tamuín.

“During the weekend, the corresponding steps were carried out to identify the person likely responsible and also the motive for the incident, for this we obtained a search warrant and the person was identified, yesterday afternoon his arrest was achieved and this Monday will be his initial hearing,” commented Attorney General José Luis Ruiz Contreras.

The alleged perpetrator of the murders was a minor under 16 years of age who reportedly had an employment relationship with the victims. Both were injured with a machete. “This is a minor, who even worked in that place and knew the deceased women,” said Ruíz Contreras.

He also assured that the prosecution already has a line of inquiry into what was the motive and the circumstances surrounding the events. Although he did not elaborate on details, he explained that the FGE has sufficient elements to make the alleged perpetrator available to a supervising judge.

He explained that the hearing of the person responsible, because he is a minor, will take place in the city of San Luis Potosí and not in the courts of the Huasteca area, since it is in the capital of the state where the juvenile justice courts are located.

Questioned in this regard, he ruled out that the age of the adolescent is a factor that allows him to free the penalty imposed on him for the death of the two women.
