The European Union included Aeroflot and 20 other Russian airlines on its “black list” for failing to comply with safety regulations

The statement explained that the decision made “is not another sanction against Russia” and “has been taken solely for technical reasons”

IMAGEN DE ARCHIVO. Un avión de pasajeros de la aerolínea rusa Aeroflot aterriza en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Moscú-Sheremétievo, Moscú, Rusia. Marzo 12, 2022. REUTERS/Marina Lystseva

On Monday, the European Union included Aeroflot, Russia's leading airline, and 20 other Russian airlines on its air safety list with companies subject to an operating ban or operating restrictions within the EU for not complying with international safety standards.

After updating the list today, 21 airlines certified in Russia are now on the list, which the EU considers “to reflect serious safety concerns because Russia has forced the re-registration of foreign-owned aircraft, knowingly allowing them to operate without valid airworthiness certificates,” he said in a statement.

This, he pointed out, is a breach of international aviation safety standards.

“This is not only a clear violation of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (the Chicago Convention), but it also poses an immediate threat to safety,” said European Transport Commissioner Adina Valean.


Valean stressed that, although the current context is that of the war in Ukraine, today's decision “is not just another sanction against Russia” and “has been taken solely for technical and security reasons.”

“We don't mix security with politics,” he emphasized.

Following the update of the list, a total of 117 airlines are banned from accessing EU skies.

These are 90 certified airlines in 15 different States, due to inadequate safety oversight by the aviation authorities of those countries.


Also of the 21 certified airlines in Russia, as well as 6 individual airlines from other States, due to serious safety deficiencies detected: Avior Airlines (Venezuela), Blue Wing Airlines (Suriname), Iran Aseman Airlines (Iran), Iraqi Airways (Iraq), Med-View Airlines (Nigeria) and Air Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe).

Two other airlines are subject to operational restrictions and can only fly to the EU with certain types of aircraft: Iran Air (Iran) and Air Koryo (North Korea).

The update of the EU aviation safety list is based on the unanimous opinion of the aviation safety experts from the Member States, who met by videoconference on 5 April under the auspices of the EU Air Safety Committee, and is supported by the Transport Committee of the European Parliament.

Decisions on the EU Air Safety List are based on international safety standards and, in particular, those of the International Civil Aviation Organization, Brussels said.

(with information from EFE)