The Egg Cartel, the organization that is terrorizing merchants in Tulua

The municipality of Valle del Cauca has seen how this alleged band is sowing terror, even claiming the life of a distributor of this poultry product


“This is a very sensitive issue. Unfortunately, it has not been made visible, nor do the authorities give it the importance it is or perhaps hide reality, there are many people affected by these criminal gangs”, are the strong words of a citizen of Tulua said to Blu Radio, referring to the complex situation that the municipality of Valle del Cauca is facing.

And it is that allegedly in Tulua, a gang responsible for the distribution and implementation of the price of eggs, would be extorting and terrorizing traders of this product in the municipality of Vallecaucano.

They allegedly alerted the alleged intimidation being received by poultry traders. It is precisely Saul Rojas, who owned 'Gallina Campesina Saulito', is one of the alleged fatalities left by the 'egg cartel'.

Rojas was killed over the weekend in the El Refugio neighborhood by armed men. Apparently Rojas was a victim of extortion, authorities say that they are continuing to investigate the motives for his murder.

But this fact is not isolated, since in the municipality of Vallecaucano, posters of (potato, cilantro) and other foods that were controlled by price and distribution had previously been present.

On this situation, the representative of Tuluá Martín Hincapié said: “An egg was obtained for $300, now this one is $550 or $600, poultry companies sell them by hours to certain distributors and because they depend on these poultry companies and there is no permanent flow or ease for you to buy an egg in the store”.

While the Secretary of Government, Coexistence and Citizen Security, Jorge Alexander Gallego Chávez, mentioned the presence of these illegal structures in Tuluá: “We have been constantly working to guarantee the supply of agricultural products in the city, by the National Police, support is being provided to poultry and egg sales points, also, in a work articulated between Gaula Militar and Gaula de la Policía, work is being done on several lines of research that cannot yet be revealed, and finally it is essential to invite traders and citizens in general to continue to report facts that affect coexistence and citizen security”.

'Tino' Asprilla celebrates the capture of one of the thieves of his farm in Tuluá:

Former footballer Faustino 'Tino' Asprilla published this Sunday, April 10, a trill on social networks in which he said that the authorities captured one of the four men who stormed his farm, located in San Jerónimo (Tuluá).

In the triune, Asprilla showed the face of the alleged thief and invited Colombians to report whether they become victims of robberies and other crimes.

I want to congratulate the CTI in Bogotá and the Gaula del Valle del Cauca for the capture of one of those involved in the robbery at my San Jerónimo farm, on March 13 of this year,” can be read in the text shared by the former footballer.

El Tino added: “I also want to invite all people, so that they do not remain silent in the face of such acts, to denounce in order to mitigate this stormy scourge that our country, our beloved Colombia, is experiencing”

On March 13, the ESPN panelist told his followers on Twitter how he became a new victim of insecurity, after gunmen entered one of his farms.

According to the publication, there were four criminals who entered the property and took everything in their path while their workers, elderly people, who were physically and verbally abducted.

