Specialized Prosecutor's Office for Electoral Crimes received 15 complaints during the Revocation of Mandate

Users of social networks and figures from the public sphere indicated that Mario Delgado, leader of the Moreno Regeneration Movement (Morena), should be sanctioned for having promoted the democratic exercise through the practice of “carrying”

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 27FEBRERO2022.- Al rededor de 200 simpatizantes del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador congregaron en el Zócalo para expresar su apoyo por su iniciativa a la reforma eléctrica y a la consulta de revocación de mandato. Como parte de la manifestación, también hubo consignas contra supuestos “opositores” del mandatario, entre ellos los consejeros del Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) y periodistas como Carmen Aristegui. FOTO: ANDREA MURCIA /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The Office of the Specialized Prosecutor for Electoral Crimes (FISEL) reported that it received 15 complaints related to the Mandate Revocation exercise carried out in the polls during the morning and afternoon of this April 10. Through its official channels, it was noted that complaints would be dealt with, analysed and determined in accordance with the law by the ministerial staff of that institution.

Likewise, FISEL, chaired by José Agustín Ortiz Pinchetti, indicated that it has the support of the Delegations of the Attorney General's Office (FGR) in the 32 states for the capture of complaints lodged in connection with this democratic exercise and specified that during election day it carried out 455 citizen guidelines for locating the polls and for providing information regarding the nominal list of voters.

In addition to the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Complaints and Complaints Commission of the National Electoral Institute (INE), issued precautionary measures against the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) as part of the day on which it will be decided whether President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) will continue to head the federal executive or, on the contrary, he will have to withdraw from office early by popular vote.


In this regard, the INE condemned that the federal agency led by Rogelio Ramírez de la O, used its social networks to invite citizens to participate in the democratic exercise of the Mandate Revocation, a situation in which it issued precautionary measures against him and ordered him to withdraw the publication from Twitter.

“Informally, the INE instituted a procedure against the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, resulting from a publication on the official verified Twitter account of that Secretariat, where it invites citizens to participate in the Mandate Revocation process,” a statement said.

In addition, the Commission of the body chaired by Lorenzo Córdova Vianello noted that, during the afternoon of this Sunday, April 10, three precautionary measures were resolved. One of them was due to the dissemination of electoral propaganda and improper promotion of the Mandate Revocation process, which was presented by the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD).


The Commission received a complaint filed by Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena) against the Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) party for the dissemination of allegedly slanderous promotions and, finally, reported on the complaint filed by the INE against the federal agency.

In addition to the complaints made to FISEL, various users, including public figures, on social networks, pointed out that the actions carried out by Morena's leader, Mario Delgado Carrillo, constituted an electoral crime because he used a van to mobilize citizens and lead them to vote on the Revocation of Mandate in one of the boxes installed by the INE.

Characters such as Emilio Álvarez Icaza Longoria and Pedro Ferriz, called for the corresponding sanctions to be applied to Delgado Carrillo for committing an electoral crime, described on social networks as “carrying”. In this regard, they indicated that the party leader must receive a penalty of 50 to 100 days of fine, as well as six to 10 months in prison according to section X of the General Law on Electoral Crimes, which stipulates that anyone “organizes the meeting or transportation of voters on election day, with the purpose of influencing the direction of the vote”.