Quintana Roo: A woman and her three children reported missing in Playa del Carmen

According to preliminary information, the family had traveled from Monterrey to spend Easter holidays




According to the Attorney General's Office of the State of Quintana Roo, last Sunday, April 10, a 41-year-old woman and her three children, all minors, were reported missing.

According to reports, the woman, identified as Fatima Ibarra Vázquez, was on vacation with her children: Maria Julia Aldape Ibarra, Miranda Paulina Aldape Ibarra and Julio Santiago Aldape Ibarra.

The family was last seen in Playa del Carmen, located in Solidaridad, Quintana Roo on April 9, 2022. The unofficial information indicates that the minors and their mother have traveled from Monterrey to spend the Easter holidays.

So far, the motive for the disappearance of 14-year-old Maria Julia, 11-year-old Miranda and 17-month-old Julio, as well as her mother, Fatima, is unknown. Given this, the prosecution issued the Alba protocol, which states that the authorities must immediately search for women and girls.

According to local media, the municipal president, Lili Campos Miranda, explained that, according to information obtained by the head of the Secretariat of Public Security and Solidarity Transit, Raúl Tassinari, three days before the disappearance the woman had a difference with her husband.

(Foto: FGEQuintanaRoo)
(Foto: FGEQuintanaRoo)

In recent months, the tourist paradise of Quintana Roo has become a place marked by violence. Just in January of this year, the U.S. Consulate in Merida warned U.S. tourists to exercise extreme caution when visiting Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Tulum, in Quintana Roo, due to the high criminal activity recorded.

This is after two Canadians were shot dead at the end of the first month of the year. The investigation resulted in the exchange of information between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States and the Canadian Mounted Police.

A week later, Argentinean businessman Federico Mazzoni, who was manager of Mamita's Beach Club, was killed.

Added to this are the most recent events: on March 12, hit men gunned down a Canadian businessman when he was driving his car in Playa del Carmen and his 14-year-old daughter was injured, in a sum of violence that accumulates in the tourist jewel of Quintana Roo.

Policías municipales recorren y vigilan la zona hotelera en Tulum, previo a la llegada del huracán Grace, en el estado de Quintana Roo (México). Las autoridades mexicanas llamaron a la calma luego de que el huracán Grace tocó tierra en el Caribe mexicano, por el municipio de Tulum, acarreando fuertes lluvias. EFE/ Alonso Cupul
Policías municipales recorren y vigilan la zona hotelera en Tulum, previo a la llegada del huracán Grace, en el estado de Quintana Roo (México). Las autoridades mexicanas llamaron a la calma luego de que el huracán Grace tocó tierra en el Caribe mexicano, por el municipio de Tulum, acarreando fuertes lluvias. EFE/ Alonso Cupul

Later on March 24, the Attorney General's Office of the State of Quintana Roo confirmed the discovery of four bodies in Villas del Sol, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo.

It should be recalled that on March 25, the Quintana Roo Prosecutor's Office obtained links to the trial against 11 alleged members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, linked to the menas to the murder of 13 people, including rivals who were disputed in the Cancun tourist area.

On the other hand, on April 7, the Attorney General's Office of Quintana Roo reported on the arrest of one of the alleged persons involved in the attack that occurred on October 20, 2021 at the restaurant La Malquerida in Tulum, where two foreigners died and three more people were injured. This is José “D” alias El Bolillo, who worked in the Aztecas neighborhood in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.

It should be remembered that at the end of 2021, Quintana Roo was placed as one of the 10 most dangerous states in the republic according to the NGO Crimen in Mexico. It currently holds the 9th most violent state for the past 12 months.

In addition, according to the latest National Survey of Victimization and Perception of Public Security (Envipe), one of the official thermometers on violence in the country, eight out of every 10 inhabitants feel unsafe in Quintana Roo.


