López Obrador applauded Emmanuel Macron's triumph in France's first election results

The president of Mexico said he was satisfied with Emmanuel Macron's advantage over the far-right leader Marine Le Pen and happy to be Mélenchon the most voted by young people

Government of Mexico/YouTube

Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), president of Mexico, was pleased with the results of the first round corresponding to election day 2022, through which French citizens will choose the course their country will take until 2027, with the election of its new constitutional president.

He described Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron as the socio-liberal political party The Republic in March and current president of the French Republic, as a “moderately centrist social democrat” who “has not done badly as president”; while the founder of the National Group, Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen, described it as a “right, right” politician.

Above all, he said he was happy with the number of votes won by the leader of the political platform Unsubmissive France, the leftist Jean-Luc Mélenchon for this round, because he assured that being the most voted by young people ensures the nation a prosperous future.

He compared the Mélenchon to the United States Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, because despite not being young, he attracted large numbers of young people into his ranks to take part in the democratic exercise in favor of as opposed to adults or middle-aged people, who opted for Macron and older people or seniors, who voted for candidate Le Pen.

However, he expressed his prediction that Emmanuel Macron would win again in this year's presidential election, over his strongest opponent.

On April 10, the first round of the twelfth presidential elections of the Fifth French Republic of 2022 was held throughout France, with the aim of electing the President who will serve in office for the next five years in the European country.

In them, the current president of France, Emmanuel Macron, is running for re-election.

With 96% of the votes counted, Macron gets 27.41% of the votes and Marine Le Pen 24.03%. Then there was Jean-Luc Mélenchon with 21.57% of the votes, Éric Zemmour with 6.94%, Valérie Pécresse with 4.74% and Yannick Jadot with 4.37%.

The vote, held after an atypical campaign marked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, sharpens the decline that began in 2017 of the parties traditional, socialists and Republicans (right), who would win less than 10 per cent of votes in total. All this in a context of greater abstention.

The turnout in the first round at 17:00 was 65%, 4.4 points lower than in 2017 at that time and 6.55 points more than in 2002, the year with the record of abstention in a presidential election, according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior.

As there is no candidate with an absolute majority of the votes cast in the first round, a second round will be held including only the two candidates with the most votes counted, i.e. Macron and Marine Le Pen. This will happen on Sunday, 24 April 2022.