How to find out which apps have access to your Google account

The step-by-step to view and manage third-party permissions




When an application is downloaded, access to the user's Google account is also granted. If, for example, a social network is used, the service may request access to contacts in the phonebook. Just as if you use an app to edit videos or photos, you'll probably need to be able to access that multimedia content.

In short, platforms require certain permissions to function. In some cases, such requests for permission may be considered excessive or unnecessary. Or the user may simply decide that he does not want to trust that confidential information with that service provider. For whatever reason, it's important to know what information apps access.

How to see what data in your Google account apps access

The Google Account allows you to easily know and manage this information, by following these steps:

1. Go to the Security section of your Google Account.

a) To access this option from mobile, open Gmail, tap on the three horizontal stripes at the top margin, go to Settings, tap on the account to be set up (if there is more than one added on the mobile), then tap Manage your Google Account and then swipe to the right to the tab that says Security, and then enter the section Third-party apps that can access your account.

El apartado de seguridad de la cuenta de Google sirve para visualizar muchos datos
El apartado de seguridad de la cuenta de Google sirve para visualizar muchos datos

b) From the browser, on the computer, to enter this option, you must click on the dotted square that appears in the upper right corner next to the user's name, then enter Account and in the right margin tap where it says Security and then tap on Third-party apps that can access your account.

En el apartado Seguridad de Gmail se puede encontrar las apps de terceros que acceden a datos de la cuenta de Google
En el apartado Seguridad de Gmail se puede encontrar las apps de terceros que acceden a datos de la cuenta de Google

2. There you will see all the apps that were granted permission and you can log in one by one

How to remove third-party access to your account

If an app has been granted permission but now you want to remove it, then, from the Security section mentioned, you must enter the corresponding platform and click on the option that says Remove access.

Presionar "quitar el acceso" para que la app ya no acceda a la información de la cuenta de Google
Presionar "quitar el acceso" para que la app ya no acceda a la información de la cuenta de Google

Keep in mind that although when you remove access to the app it will no longer have the permission granted, it is possible that the platform will retain the information you had access to when you did have permission.

How to report a third-party app or service

If it is suspected that the app is using the information it accesses inappropriately, whether it is for identity theft, sending spam or other reasons, then it can be reported to you.

Hay que especificar los motivos de la denuncia
Hay que especificar los motivos de la denuncia

To make a report, you must enter the security section from your browser, following the points mentioned above (1.b) and within Apps that can access your account, access the platform in question and then choose the option that says Report this app. When you enter there, another page will open where you will be asked to explain the reasons why you want to report.

How to know what data is accessed by other apps installed on your mobile

In this case, we saw the step by step to visualize what data in the Google account the platforms access. It is likely that there are other apps installed on the mobile phone that may not access certain information from the aforementioned account but have permissions to other data or tools on the mobile phone.

To see a detail of all the platforms installed on the smartphone and the permissions they access, in the case of Android you have to press on the nut icon to enter Settings, then click on Applications and there enter each particular service to view the desired information.

Se puede ver con qué frecuencia accedió la app a la ubicación, fotos, cámara, micrófono y contactos en los últimos siete días
Se puede ver con qué frecuencia accedió la app a la ubicación, fotos, cámara, micrófono y contactos en los últimos siete días

For Apple, open Settings, select Privacy, and then go to App Privacy Report.


