Former footballer Freddy Rincón will undergo emergency surgery after suffering a traffic accident this Monday in Cali

The historical reference of the Colombian selection presents a “severe craniocerebral trauma”, according to the doctors of the Imbanaco Clinic, in the capital of Valle del Cauca, who reported that his condition is critical




In the early hours of Monday, the former Colombian footballer, Freddy Rincón, suffered a severe traffic accident in Cali, Valle del Cauca.

The images of the incident, disseminated through social networks, evidenced the clash between an articulate of the Massive Integrated of the West (MIO) with a black Ford van, in which the legend of the Colombian national team was mobilizing in the company of some friends.

According to the Cali Support Network, Rincón was transferred to the Imbanaco Clinic, where the respective health assessments were carried out. Later, around 10:30 in the morning, the chief physician of the hospital, Laureano Quintero, attended the media to deliver the first part of the former footballer:

“We want to inform the community, with the permission of relatives, that Freddy Rincón entered the clinic victim of severe craniocerebral trauma, his conditions are very critical,” said the specialist in the first instance. He added: “By interdisciplinary decision of our entire team, he was taken to our operating room area from where he will move to the intensive care area.”

All the relevant care will be applied and our entire team of specialists will be deploying everything necessary,” concluded Quintero.

In addition to the former vallecaucano player, four other people were also injured in the middle of the mishap: the MIO driver and three more occupants of the private vehicle.

Imágenes del accidente de Freddy Rincón en Cali. Un articuladio del MIO se vio involucrado. Fotos: Twitter @mapiaguilars
Imágenes del accidente de Freddy Rincón en Cali. Un articuladio del MIO se vio involucrado. Fotos: Twitter @mapiaguilars
Así quedó la camioneta en la que se transportaba Freddy Rincón. Foto: cortesía ‘Telepacífico Noticias’
Así quedó la camioneta en la que se transportaba Freddy Rincón. Foto: cortesía ‘Telepacífico Noticias’

In some videos of the security cameras, which were released by the newspaper El Pais in Cali, it can be seen that the van that Rincón was driving in was crossing a traffic light on 5th street with a 34th race when, from one moment to another, the MIO bus appeared on another of the highways and ended up crashing.

In the subsequent shots it can be seen that the front part of the articulated part was destroyed; while the truck was affected on the right side, where it suffered the impact.

The security cameras recorded the exact moment when the van Freddy Rincón was riding crashes with a MIO articulate. Video: The Country of Cali (Twitter @elpaiscali)

Through social networks, one of the witnesses to the accident released a video in which Rincón, when he realizes that he was being recorded, threatens the citizen to take away his cell phone. Although the images are not very clear, the former footballer of the Colombian national team would have started to chase him until the filming is cut off.

It should be recalled that Rincón suffered a serious traffic accident in 2013, also on roads in Valle del Cauca. At that time, 'the Colossus of Buenaventura', as it is popularly known, lost control of its van when it was traveling on the road between Buga and Andalusia. In the incident, which could have been caused by speeding, the former player suffered a fracture in one of his arms.

Currently, Rincón works as a sports commentator in the media. The 55-year-old former midfielder is remembered for his score against Germany at the 1990 World Cup in Italy, which allowed the 'Tricolor' to qualify for the first time to the round of 16 of the international competition.

This was the remembered score of Freddy Rincón against the German team in the 1990 World Cup in Italy


