Do cats choose us or do we choose them?

The very particular temperament of domestic cats allows us to ask that question: do they have a tutor or do they simply choose to live where they feel at ease?

ARCHIVO - Una mirada de mutuo afecto: hay que mirar al gato a los ojos de un modo tranquilo y relajado. Luego se puede parpadear, cerrando y abriendo lentamente los ojos. Con suerte, el gato responde del mismo modo. Foto: Silvia Marks/dpa
ARCHIVO - Una mirada de mutuo afecto: hay que mirar al gato a los ojos de un modo tranquilo y relajado. Luego se puede parpadear, cerrando y abriendo lentamente los ojos. Con suerte, el gato responde del mismo modo. Foto: Silvia Marks/dpa

Surely this thought has haunted our minds at some time: is it cats who choose us or we choose them?

We immediately ruled out the first option because we surely think, very human, that it was our decision to adopt and protect it. However, that question is not so wrong, nor is it out of place considering that a being as intelligent and independent as the cat will not feel forced to live together if it is not comfortable.

Lately we talk about guardian or companion rather than owner, in relation to companion animals to emphasize the fact that animals are non-human persons and our role is that of tutelage and affective bonding. But in the classic conception of our relationship with cats we can assure without fear of being mistaken that they have no owner. Cats were never perceived as “someone's” therefore, they feel that they have no obligation to stay with us.

Cats are social animals that need to feel accompanied to feel comfortable and safe. That is why they “choose” companions to live with, they choose a guide, a person, or several, of reference to follow, but never a master.


We must also understand that a cat that is not comfortable in a place or with the members of his family, will be able to leave to find a more favorable environment. He acts very much like us who also choose who to relate to. Perhaps the conclusion at this point is that we are very fortunate if our cat is satisfied and chose us and our environment to be and stay.

The explanation for why he stays is that the basic premises of his well-being are satisfied and, therefore, he does not need to leave, because he is comfortable. The first and foremost thing is to adequately cover your basic need for food with a rich and adequate diet. In other circumstances, he would not hesitate to visit the neighbor's house if he was fed there and at home he did not have enough and pleasant food.

Our cat depends on us to feed itself as a fundamental bond that builds a strong and necessary bond. Advancing the reasons why he stays with us, our cat has, in our house, a suitable environment that he considers as his territory. It is a safe space protected from external threats, where there is also a clean place to relieve yourself safely, another place to rest at ease, etc.


All these factors are the determinants when it comes to understanding how cats “choose” their “owners”, so in quotes because the right thing would be to say tutors or companions on the road. On the other hand, cats prefer to spend more time with some people who, unlike some, know how to interact with them by relating, but respecting their limits.

How can I improve my relationship with my cat?

-Don't stare at it: eye contact is a sign of dominance and if we stare at it we are challenging it.

Don't shout or punish him: never try to educate him with screams or punishments, because you will only make him afraid of you or defend himself with grunts and scratches.

Don't block their way: this type of situation can frighten them, so don't corner them or block their way.


-Do not interrupt their sleep: disturbing them when they sleep can bring you fears, as it puts them on “alert”; in addition, it can generate stress.

-Let's use toys for cats: having a great hunting instinct, they love to play “toy hunting”.

-Do not interrupt it when using sanitary stones: during urination or defecation there is maximum vulnerability and defecation, interrupting them at that time can generate a lot of stress and annoyance.

-Let us respect their times and spaces: they are very independent animals that is why we should not force them. Contradicting them only generates bad behavior.

*Prof. Dr. Juan Enrique Romero @drromerook is a veterinary physician. Specialist in University Education. Master's Degree in Psychoimmunoneuroendocrinology. Former Director of the Small Animal School Hospital (UNLPAM). University Professor at several Argentine universities. International lecturer.

