Christian Nodal's mom was diagnosed with malignant tumor in the colon

Cristy Nodal had to be hospitalized in an emergency and shared with her followers how her health has been in the last month




Silvia Cristina Nodal, better known as Cristy Nodal, alerted her Instagram followers to a story she shared in which she is seen quite exhausted, about a hospital bed, while describing the illness she has suffered over the past month.

According to the message shared by Christian Nodal's mother, in recent weeks she had had health problems that prevented her from eating, so her mood and physique began to decline little by little, a situation that aggravated her condition.

He emphasized that throughout the process they carried out different types of studies to know his illness; however, no doctor could tell him what he was suffering from. With time over and the symptoms with increasing effects on her body, Cristy Nodal received terrible news.

On April 9, she was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in her colon that had to be operated on immediately to save her life. The current influencer also decided to undergo it, although when they conducted the last study, doctors gave her the best news of her life.

Cristy Nodal fue diagnosticada con un tumor maligno en el colon (Foto: Instagram @cristy_nodal)
Cristy Nodal fue diagnosticada con un tumor maligno en el colon (Foto: Instagram @cristy_nodal)

According to him, the specialists realized that, from one moment to another, the tumor had disappeared. The mother of the interpreter of Adiós Amor assured that it was a miracle, “one of a thousand”, the doctors commented.

After several days of anguish, Cristy Nodal wrote a message from her Instagram to update her followers about her state of health, as well as to thank the faith she professes for saving her from this diagnosis that seemed worse.

“Thank God for this opportunity for life! I know that many people are praying for my health, which I warmly appreciate! I had not been able to eat for a month, I had no strength and everything went wrong every time. I have had countless studies, but yesterday we received the news that I had a malignant tumor in my colon and they had to operate immediately.

“I never lost faith. Before I had the last exam they saw that by God's grace when I checked my colon again it was in perfect condition leaving the doctors stunned. One case in a thousand, that's what they said. Miracles do exist. Thank you infinitely for each of your prayers to my family and my parents who don't let me out of their hand,” said Christian Nodal's mother.

La madre del cantante ya tenía padecimientos desde hace tiempo (Foto: IG @cristy_nodal)
La madre del cantante ya tenía padecimientos desde hace tiempo (Foto: IG @cristy_nodal)

Finally, he stated that the video had no purpose, only to “bear witness that God exists and is infinitely kind,” he said in the instastory that he accompanied with the song Commenar de Cero from Third Heaven.

It should be recalled that on April 3, Cristy Nodal had already raised concerns on social networks over a message written in a photograph where she is seen next to her son, sleeping deep in bed.

In this post, she said that she had already “three years of struggle”, which forced her to run into the arms of her son. In addition, he thanked his “little family” and tagged his children Amely and Alonso Nodal.

“It doesn't matter how busy you are, but you always do everything to be with us in good and bad or when we need you most, for more than three years of struggle, but today I recognize, that my strength was no longer enough, I needed your hugs and the great love that you always give me my little family, @amely .nodal @alonso .nodaal @jgmusical soon this will also happen and my health will be stronger than ever #diosesgrande I love you thank you for so much kisha @nodal”, he wrote.


