Captured bank employee who would have stolen nearly a billion pesos from customers

The subject, who started working in 2012 at the entity, committed his crimes in 2021 thanks to the access he had to the bank's computer system


On April 11, it was announced that, the Attorney General's Office succeeded in the prosecution of Héctor Fabio Parra Vanegas, a bank employee who would have accessed several accounts and appropriated the savings of the bank's clients.

“Prosecutor's Office succeeded in the prosecution of Hector Fabio Parra, a bank employee who would have accessed several accounts and appropriated customer savings. This person was part of the team in charge of the security nets of the bank's application,” the official Twitter account of the institution reads.

According to W Radio, this person joined the entity in 2012 and had been hired as part of the team responsible for designing, implementing, implementing, strengthening and maintaining the security networks of the application that allows users to make banking transactions over the internet. A position that allowed him to have access to all private information and which he took advantage of to divert money and defraud both the entity and customers.

According to the accused, the investigation found that the modus operandi was through the creation of codes, that is, unrestricted access to the virtual platform and used it to create passwords, access customers' financial products and make illegal transfers of money to other people's accounts, who are they were responsible for withdrawing the money immediately.

During the time that Parra Vanegas spent in crime, she made 82 non-consensual transfers between May and December 2021, which amounted to $924′000,000. Each move ranged from $4′000,000 to $19′000,000. Because of the evidence and accusations, he was charged with: agreement to commit crime, non-consensual transfer of assets as aggravated mass, abusive access to an aggravated computer system; and unlawful use of communication networks.

Eventually the defendant accepted the charges against him and was put in prison. According to Semana Magazine, in the operation to capture Parra Vanegas, the CTI found more than 600 million pesos and 19,000 dollars in cash in its home, located in western Bogotá, in addition to computer equipment, hard drives, USB sticks and various debit cards.

Beware, fake e-commerce pages with attractive prices are stealing money

For some time now, fake pages have been circulating on eCommerce sites that, by different methods, seek to steal sensitive user data such as their credit cards. Some time ago there were cases of apocryphal Amazon pages and recently, a similar case was known with a website posing as Mercado Libre.

The number of fraudulent websites detected in the world increased by almost 3% in the last quarter of 2021. Within this scenario, sites posing as e-commerce platforms constituted 9.4% of the total apocryphal websites, only surpassed by the categories of social networks and finance, according to data from Eset.

On this occasion, the security company analyzed the case of a site that attempts to impersonate the aforementioned eCommerce platform. This is a scam aimed at different users in Latin America, in particular from Colombia and Brazil.

