Woman refused to resume romantic relationship and her ex-partner stabbed her 20 times leaving her on the verge of death

In the Unicachi market in Comas, this potential feminicide attacked the mother of his three children because she did not want to resume a romantic relationship. Women are torn between life and death.




A mother is torn between life and death, after her ex-partner and father of her children brutally attacked her with a kitchen knife. The incident was recorded in the Unicachi market in the district of Comas.

It all happened when Luis Contreras Najarro went to find his ex-partner Maribel C.T., at the food stand where she has been working for several months to support her family. Suddenly, in the images captured by a security camera, you can see how the couple began to argue and from one moment to another, he jerked her by the hair, pulled out a kitchen knife and began to attack her repeatedly.

Despite the desperate cries of the woman, no one came to her rescue, what is more, you can see how people run away when they witness this criminal act. After a few seconds, a worker approaches to control the deranged man who was trying to murder his ex-partner. According to Contreras, he was filled with hatred and anger when the woman told him she didn't want to go back to him.

“Luis is a white man, but when I saw him he was black, he was completely unknown, outside of himself, he had the knife in his hand,” said Doña Soledad, a merchant in the market.

When the police arrived, they found Maribel on the ground bleeding to death, which is why they immediately call the ambulance to be transported to a hospital near the area, since her life depended on a thread. On the other hand, when he arrested Luis Contreras Najarro, he showed no sign of regret, on the contrary, he tried to justify this reproachable act by saying that he felt jealous because the mother of his children did not want to return to him.

“Contreras Najarro has been intervened in connection with Maribel's attempt in grievance. The personnel were displaced into the market through the police station's radio station, as this attempt at femicide had taken place,” PNP Colonel Rómulo Reyes Rosales told the press.

The officer added that Maribel C.T. had a measure of protection for physical and psychological violence, but it was shelved by the 11th Family Court in 2021.

The mother was taken to the Sergio Bernales de Collique hospital in Comas where her state of health is very serious due to deep wounds. The authorities' report indicated that the victim was stabbed on 24 occasions and that he has wounds on his arms, chest, stomach and neck.

When they arrived at the hospital, they quickly had to do blood transfusions, since their hemoglobin had dropped to 0.5, according to relatives close to the victim.

The young woman's family assured that this is not the first time that Contreras Najarro attacked the mother of her three children, which is why last year they filed a complaint at the Comas police station and gave her guarantees for her life, but this guy was not interested in anything and tried to murder the woman who once promised to love and care for her.

For their part, Maribel's relatives asked the Prosecutor's Office for help not to let him go free, as he could go out and look for her to end his life. They also called on the Ministry of Women's Affairs so that this case is not contested, since there are three minors who have been victims of psychological aggression by this subject.

Woman is between life and death after being stabbed more than 20 times.


The cameras on Domingo al Día managed to talk to the son of Luis and Maribel, who is 18 years old and assured that since he was 8 years old he has been the victim of physical and verbal aggression by Luis Contreras Najarro.

“Since I have been able to remember, 8 years I remember that he (Luis Contreras) beat us. He was mean, abusive to me and my brothers. I beat my mother because of pure, mostly because of jealousy, there was never any proof, he just said and beat her,” she said.

On the other hand, Maribel told her sister-in-law about the nightmare she lived next to Luis day after day, even mentioning the tragic episode that happened in November 2021, when he savagely hit her and broke her head. “You know how he treats me since my newborn baby was born. I didn't do anything, he always wanted and always threatened to kill himself or kill me. I haven't been mean to him,” she said.

Last night he didn't care about my kids, he just wanted to kill me. This time I won't be sorry for him, I'm going to report him. My body is full of blows, my arms and breasts hurt,” Maribel said.

In that context, his son gave details of what happened on that date. “He (Luis Contreras) was drunk and had mistaken my mother for another woman who was dancing with some men on the anniversary of the market where they work. My mother was here at my house with us, but he confused her,” he added to the story.


After being intervened by the agents of the Santa Luzmila police station in Comas, Luis Contreras once again reaffirms that he acted out of jealousy, since his former partner would be expecting a child from another man.

“On Thursday that happened, I found her next to a man and I expected her to tell me that she was seeing someone else or that she doesn't want anything with me anymore,” he said.

However, the couple's son claimed that it is impossible for his mother to be or have become pregnant with another man because more than 10 years ago she ligated her tubes.

The police have placed Luis Contreras under the prosecution, who has the authority of this case of attempted femicide.


