'Train of Aragua' the dangerous Venezuelan gang that has been frightening Peru and other Latin American countries

Last Saturday, three members of this trafficking and other crime gang were captured in Lima, who also hid a war grenade, a bulletproof safety vest and 70 bags of marijuana. Meanwhile, in Chile they captured 5 leaders and in Colombia the battle for terrain continues.

Tren de Aragua, the dangerous Venezuelan criminal gang dedicated to extortive kidnappings, human trafficking and robbery, has sown the terror in several Latin American countries such as Peru, Chile, Colombia and above all its operations center: Venezuela.

All the illegal acts that this group has committed are commanded from Aragua in Venezuela and its center of operations is located inside the Tocorón prison, where its top leader Hector Rusthenford Guerrero Flores, alias El Niño Guerrero”, is imprisoned.

Last Saturday, April 9, in Peru, the National Police arrested three subjects who are part of this criminal gang, who were arrested in Callao in the fifth floor of a stolen house to make it their hiding place, they had drugs and a grenade.

According to Insight Crime, this band originated in 2000, where it started due to the construction of the Venezuelan Railway and the project workers union saw opportunities in the criminal world. Despite not having much time, it has become a criminal phenomenon as it is the first Venezuelan gang to achieve alliances with groups such as the Gulf Clan and FARC dissidents.

In the case of FARC, 'Tren de Aragua broke its alliance in 2021, when the gangs began to kill important members of their group and the bodies they had notes that said: “This is the message for everyone who belongs to the Aragua Train. FARC-EP”.

According to the newspaper El Nacional, members of the dissidents reportedly unleashed a war against the members of the Aragua Train, which is a Venezuelan armed group that crimes on the border by charging extortion, trafficking and creating violence in both countries, after the murder of José Leonardo Guerrero, alias El Mono. Because members of the dissident group accuse the Venezuelan group of murdering him on August 3.


They left Venezuelan territory, reached Colombia and Ecuador. At the borders of both countries, they faced a group of the FARC, in order to take advantage of the migrant smuggling business. Then, they moved to Peru, being noticed with murders and violent robberies in some wealthy neighborhoods of Lima.

In addition, previously, the mayor of the district of Independencia, José Pando, had six brothels commanded by the Aragua Train closed; causing dozens of death threats to be carried out and even intimidated their workers.

Finally, they settled in northern Chile and not satisfied with it, they also installed their power in cities such as Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Quilpué and further south in Puerto Montt and Temuco, where they force women into prostitution. Refusing to pay, they threaten their families to death and kidnap them, tying them with ribbons.


Finally, the PDI succeeded in the arrest of David Landaeta Glandiotti (24), alias “Satan”, one of the leaders, who is characterized by his coldness to assassinate and Carlos González Vaca (33) “El Estrella”, a direct link with the organization's boss, dealing a heavy blow to the Aragua Train in Chile. After ten months of investigation, a “simultaneous” arrest was carried out, which was meticulously planned in order to safeguard the safety of the police.

There were 15 members of this criminal organization that were formalized in Chile, however, the police authorities do not rule out that they were more involved. In the case of Peru, with two already trapped, the national territory is gradually being covered to end this mafia.

Last Saturday, three members of this trafficking and other crime gang were captured in Lima, who also hid a war grenade, a bulletproof safety vest and 70 bags of marijuana. Meanwhile, in Chile they captured 5 leaders and in Colombia the battle for terrain continues.