INE denied false news during Mandate Revocation Day: page drop, closing boxes and more

The electoral authority provides verified information with the campaign called “Certainty”; lack of training in officials, closing boxes or crashing the system have been the news branded as false


The National Electoral Institute made available to citizens the Certeza 2022 campaign in which it shares verified information and denies false news that has been generated around the consultation by Revocation of Mandate. Among the topics addressed by the electoral authority are the limitation of the number of ballots available for voting, pre-marked ballots, voter cancellation, closing polls early or lack of training for polling officials.

On the portal there is a video in which Roberto Heycher Cardiel, executive director of Electoral Training and Civic Education at the Institute, personally denied the news that he himself released about the complaint about the lack of training of a citizen who worked as a poll officer in Quintana Roo.

“A few minutes ago, the representative of Morena's political party to the General Council indicated that a citizen of the casilla, who is a secretary in section 890 in the state of Quintana Roo, was not trained. Reviewing the file, she was trained. That is, it is information that does not correspond to reality. She was trained on March 30 at 4 in the afternoon.

INE denied lack of training for polling station officials due to the Revocation of Mandate

“I have here the format where he evaluates the training, the date on which he received it, in which he says that it was clear and very good to carry out his duties. So, of course she was trained, she and the 287,000 citizens who are fulfilling this important role of electoral authority. No to misinformation”, explained the INE official.

In this regard, Rubén Álvarez Mendiola, national coordinator of social communication, called on the population to consult only verified information and the media not to share news that may confuse or be unclear to their consumers. “It is important to fight together against fake news, against misinformation and we are right now to publicize verified information,” he urged during a press conference prior to election day.

The revocation of mandate process, an exercise in which citizens are asked whether or not they want Andrés Manuel López Obrador to leave office as president of Mexico early, has become a reality after a winding process of configuration. From the existence of false news, to the controversy generated between the supporters of the call 4T with the authorities of the INE, President Lorenzo Córdova, in a specific way.


The INE made available to the more than 90 million citizens registered on the electoral roll the same number of ballots asking the following questions:

Do you agree that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of the United Mexican States, should have his mandate revoked due to loss of confidence or remain in the Presidency of the Republic until his term ends?

As answers, there will be two options: that his mandate be revoked due to loss of confidence or that he remains in the Presidency of the Republic. To participate in the exercise, it will be necessary to locate your box and present your voter's credential (effective 2021) from 08:00 to 18:00 hours on Sunday, April 10. For the consultation to be legally valid, it will be necessary that at least 40% of the register make use of their right to vote. Otherwise, it will be irrelevant whatever the outcome.

