Video: “She was an exceptional and warrior woman”, this is how Felipe Calero remembers his mother, who died of cancer

The actor's progenitor died last February from a cancer that was also affecting his mental stability and which they learned about very late

After having lived through some difficult moments in quarantine, a time in which he devoted himself to his training and musical projects, Felipe Calero only a month ago experienced the sadness of losing his mother to terminal cancer that seriously affected his psyche.

The actor tearfully told his story for the show 'Lo Sé Todo', in which he had the opportunity to express his feelings, talking about how he remembers his mother, Mrs. Graciela Lora, throughout his life.

“She was a warrior woman, an exceptional woman, who taught me many things, to all her children, a woman who was not stranded by anything, a woman who was working since she was very young,” said the artist for the Canal 1 gossip program.

According to the actor, his mother began to be very mentally affected by this cancer that attacked her, so much so that at some point she came to think that it was a type of schizophrenia, and, in addition, she had problems with eating.

“It was a very complicated process and it was forcibly between me and my brother to take her to the clinic... it was very painful to be from clinic to clinic for exams, we had to sign a paper authorizing her not to enter the ICU because the same doctor recommended us not to do it because if she was admitted to this ward it was something fatal,” Felipe added Calero for 'I Know All'.

Through his Instagram account he shared a photograph with his mother in which he left an emotional message on February 22 after the death of Mrs. Graciela Lora, where he wrote:

I LOVE YOU MOM!! ... I will love you forever!!! ... Thank you for giving me life, Thank you for your Love, Thank you for your advice, Thank you for your support, Thank you for your joy, Thank you for your teachings, your legacy, your Art!!! ... Thank you Mom, have a good trip go and run into the arms of papa our lord 🙌🏼😔🙏🏽❤️ We will meet again!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I will love you x always!!!”.

A través de su cuenta de Instagram compartió un emotivo mensaje tras la partida de su madre. Tomada de Instagram @felipecaleofficial

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Seeing his mother suffering her last days in an Intensive Care Unit, actor Felipe Calero and his family decided to talk to analyze the situation, that would be the last chance to see his mother as they remembered her.

She added that it was not an easy situation, so she did not miss the opportunity to thank her sister for the work she did spiritually to help her mother find peace with her other relatives, who had already left this earthly plane long before.

“It is very difficult to let go, I still feel it and I think that God is the one who has given me the strength to carry that process with her, to have helped her and right now to try to let go and to know that she has completed her cycle... the last ritual we did was that my sister took the ashes to London and a company offered to plant it to plant it in her garden and so on become a cherry tree s”, concluded his story for 'I Know It All'.

He took the opportunity to send a message to the followers who still have their mothers alive, inviting them not to waste any moment with them, “give them a lot of love because when they are not there they need too much”.