Tricks to eliminate ants that are on plants without using chemicals

Have you seen that insect walk around your newly grown plant and don't know how to eliminate it? Then follow the tips to get rid of them without the need for chemicals that damage the ecosystem.


We have all seen insects walking around the plant that we leave in the garden, in a place in the house or in our rooms, mainly ants. And it is difficult to fight them since they are able to eat the green element in a matter of minutes. It is known that on the market there are a large number of products to eliminate them. However, we sometimes look for methods other than these resources that can be harmful to health.

Along these lines, if you want to use chemicals in yours, we teach you five homemade tricks to help you drive away ants before they invade the interior and exterior spaces of your home. Pay attention, as the idea is to avoid poisoning or kill your plants.

True, the presence of one or another ant in the home is something that does not pose any kind of threat. However, if we see one or the other, it is very likely that the plague will increase and become a serious problem in indoor and outdoor spaces. Find out how to avoid it.



As the first element are sulfur-containing compounds and the smell of garlic, as they are annoying to ants. Therefore, this input helps to drive them away and keeps the whole house protected. How to do it? Just put several crushed cloves of garlic in a pot of water and let stand for at least 24 hours. It fulfills well the time for it to give effect.

After 24 hours are over, heat the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. Finally, pour into a spray bottle and apply it if there are ants on the plants or where needed. Do not overdo it so as not to damage them.


According to an old homemade trick, rice can eliminate small ants when it is fermented inside its anthill. However, some doubt its effectiveness because there is no scientific evidence to support it. Anyway, we want to share it for anyone who wants to try it.

On the other hand, the method is as easy as throwing a few grains of white rice along the path used by these insects. Upon seeing them, the ants will leave their cargo to collect the grains and take them to the anthill. Once there, the heat causes the rice to ferment and will make the ants disappear from the garden or house without any problems.


Yes, you can use a fruit. Orange peels release a substance that is very annoying to ants, according to a study conducted by Nnamdi Azikiwe University in Nigeria. So if you have ants in the pots, chop the orange peel into small pieces and scatter them along the path they usually walk. It won't be easy, but it's worth a try.



This product is considered very irritating to ants, but there is no scientific evidence about it. However, people apply it for advice or recommendations on the Internet. In that sense, if you want to use this method, prepare a mixture of 100 g of yeast in a liter of water with 100 g of sugar. Then, put the remedy in small containers and distribute them to areas of the garden where there are ants. Be very careful, be precise.


Finally, there is an element known as baking soda, which is quite effective in repelling ants and preventing them from invading the garden or house. You just have to spread this powder around plants or along the path that ants usually travel. A similar effect can also be achieved by using products such as salt. Either one will give positive results.