The truth behind Karime's spell on Manelyk: “I went to Catemaco and killed him two cocks”

The celebrities had a close friendship during several seasons of “Acapulco Shore”


Karime Pintdter and Manelyk Gonzalez are among the first women to triumph on MTV's reality show Acapulco Shore since its inception. And, as is characteristic of the show, dramas were not lacking during the seasons they were together even though they considered themselves best friends.

And it is that her story of friendship is quite complex, because in the first edition of the show Karime was not at all loved by the members of the house, who branded her as only “wanting to attract attention” or did not lower her as “dumb”.

But in the middle of that season something changed and both Mane and Karime began to become very close. Thus, although Las comadres (as they called themselves) had great moments of partying for some time, one of the controversies that has most shocked the fans of the show is when they began to rumor that they were fighting and that Karime chose to do witchcraft to her friend.


Although both have now pointed out on several occasions that they do not hate each other, or anything like that, something that could contribute to their distancing themselves was Mane's ex-partner: Jawy Méndez.

Well, he was also there since the beginning of Acapulco Shore and was a great friend of both young women. However, after the break of engagement with Mane, a series of images circulated a while ago where it was seen that he went with Karime and other friends to Las Vegas.

On this occasion, during an interview with the Pinky Promise channel, La Matrioshka finally confessed whether the talk about bewitching her friend was true or not.

Yes, I went to Catemaco, killed him two cockerels and did witchcraft him,” said the former Acapulco Shore member.


However, in the face of a brief moment of surprise from those who were listening to her, the influencer quickly rectified and pointed out that it was a joke, since she had nothing against Manelyk.

Regarding how their friendship is, Karime pointed out that although it was true that they were no longer frequented as before, the two were still fond of everything they experienced and there is no resentment between them.

“It's not that we don't get along, she's on her roll right now, with her breakup. And I don't get along with Jawy a lot, but we're gonna be friends all our lives. Family is family. We never fought. People said that I had done witchcraft on him,” he said.

It should be remembered that Karime's participation in the MTV show has not only caused controversy because of the young lady's way of being, but also because of the physical changes she has had over the seasons.


The Matryoshka has never hidden this fact. Whether it was because she began to change her makeup techniques or because she has done several aesthetic procedures, Karime has always been open with the subject and, like her compadre Mane, is not afraid to say that “everything you see is operated on”.

“I was 21 years old, I was almost a virgin. I didn't have chichis,” Karime once recalled in the Acapulco Shore interview booth. In fact, it was easy to see that her bust was lower, just as there was no sight of the imposing flat stomach she now has.