The keys to the murder of MariFer Contreras, his death from a blow to the head and the companion is still missing

The Attorney General's Office of Nuevo León confirmed that the body found in a colony in the municipality of Apodaca corresponds to that of the young María Fernanda Contreras


Through its verified Twitter account, the Attorney General's Office of Nuevo León (FGE) confirmed the outcome of the investigation launched on Monday, April 4, 2022. After five days of searching, they notified the family, as well as public opinion, that the body found on Thursday 7th in the Exhacienda de Santa Rosa neighborhood, in Apodaca, corresponds to that of María Fernanda Conteras Ruiz. However, the murder has not been clarified.

“After having learned to her family about the results of the genetic tests, we are able to officially confirm that María Fernanda Contreras Ruiz is the lifeless person found in the search conducted on April 7. Rest in peace”, the profile of @FiscaliaNL reads.

According to information from the family, on Sunday, April 3, María Fernanda met with a group of friends in Zona Tec, a place located south of the municipality of Monterrey. At the end, he reported that he would go to the municipality of Apodaca, located 13 kilometers away from the aforementioned place, to see a vehicle. According to the half-millennium, he came with a companion who has not yet been located.


“It's the weird thing, they say she went to see a car or a van, but she already has a car. The car that has spread, a 2017 Mazda 3, is hers. We don't understand why she would want to have an extra car or something,” her sister said during an interview with the media outlet.

Luis Carlos Contreras, father of María Fernanda, found that his daughter and a friend of hers did indeed come to see the car, a situation that would have been verified by the Prosecutor's Office. Then, between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, he reported to his family to warn that he would be on his way back home. However, moments later they lost all kinds of contact and did not reach their home.

The lack of communication alerted María Fernanda's loved ones, so they launched a social media campaign to achieve their localization. On Monday, April 4, a day later, the FGE released a search form.

The family claimed to have located the victim's phone on their own, in the Quinta Colonial Apodaca, Los Soles and Exhacienda de Santa Rosa colonies, information they would have provided to the authorities. However, they reported that the authorities did not react immediately.


With the information, the FGE launched a series of search operations in the areas surrounding what would have been the last registered location of the 27-year-old woman, where they reviewed security cameras and conducted interviews. Thus, on Wednesday, April 3, they managed to locate María Fernanda's car, in the vicinity of what was the Topo Chico prison.

The search work continued during the following hours in the municipality of Apodaca. Thus, on the night of Thursday, April 7, they managed to locate the body of a woman, with signs of violence, in a house located in the Circuito de las Fincas street, Exhacienda de Santa Rosa neighborhood, although in principle the identity was not confirmed.

While in the early hours of Friday the authorities were silent about the progress of the investigation, social media profiles of people who identified themselves as relatives of María Fernanda Contreras Ruiz confirmed the young woman's death. Even deputy Olga Chávez Rojas confirmed the news with the publication of an obituary.


According to forensic reports cited by Milenio, MariFer had died from a deep contusion of the skull, which was caused by one or a series of very heavy blows to the head. Despite the finding and confirmation of the regrettable news, the authorities of Nuevo León have not reported any progress in the investigation into the search for the one or more responsible for femicide.

The National Registry of Missing and Unlocated Persons (DPRNO) reported that, so far in 2022, 275 women have been reported missing in the state of Nuevo León. Of the total, 55 could not be located and 3 were located without life.

In the last month alone, the Prosecutor's Office issued 15 search cards for women. Of the total, seven have already been located, while two have not been located. Meanwhile, one more could be related to the probable commission of a crime, as the FGE clarified on its Twitter account.