Michoacán: bodies of 12 people were found in Puruándiro clandestine grave

Agents of the state prosecutor's office reached a road where the victims were located among a mound of sand, after receiving a citizen's report to the emergency services

Expertos forenses continúan con la
Expertos forenses continúan con la búsqueda de dos policías federales, desaparecidos en la localidad de La Barca del occidental estado de Michoacán. EFE/Ulises Ruiz Basurto/Archivo

Agents of the Michoacán Prosecutor's Office located the remains in an advanced state of decomposition of 11 men and one woman in a clandestine grave in Puruándiro.

According to the ministerial report, the authorities received a report about the discovery of a bones in a sandbar on the road that leads to the towns of Isaac Arriaga and Las Letras of the mayor's office.

The victims were transferred to the Forensic Medical Service to be necropsied by law and to determine the cause of death.

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