Election raccoons, carts and other electoral crimes you should watch out for

The INE asked to be vigilant about the possible conditioning of government programs or the use of public resources for partisan purposes

Finalización de la jornada electoral en alcaldía Álvaro Obregón. Ciudad de México, junio 6, 2021.
Foto: Karina Hernández / Infobae
Finalización de la jornada electoral en alcaldía Álvaro Obregón. Ciudad de México, junio 6, 2021. Foto: Karina Hernández / Infobae

Ciro Murayama, councillor of the National Electoral Institute (INE) said that during the Mandate Revocation Day that will take place this Sunday, it is necessary to be vigilant about the possible commission of electoral crimes, among which he listed the carrying of voters, the conditioning of government programs or the use of public resources for partisan purposes.

According to the General Law on the Revocation of Mandate, approved with the legislative majority of Morena, the INE and the electoral bodies of each state were the only ones authorized to promote it to voters, however, almost a month after its implementation, the same party approved a decree to modify the regulations and allow public officials get involved, however, this change was reversed by the Electoral Tribunal of the Federation Judiciary (TEPJF) because the rules cannot be altered in full play.

This week, Murayama highlighted that during this democratic process the greatest number of precautionary measures have been issued against public officials for openly promoting the Revocation in favor of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, among which are those directed at Claudia Sheinbaum, head of government of the City of Mexico, who led a rally at the Monument to the Revolution a few days before election day.


According to the Office of the Specialized Prosecutor for the Attention of Electoral Crimes (FEPADE), there are actions that endanger the conduct of an election and threaten the characteristics of the vote, which must be universal, free, direct, personal, secret and non-transferable.

One of the most common problems during voting days is the presence of “electoral raccoons”, who are responsible for coordinating or directing the execution of one or more electoral crimes in favor of a candidate or political party.


After several officials of the so-called “Fourth Transformation” last week broke the electoral ban by promoting the vote in favor of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in the popular consultation on Mandate Revocation, the president of the National Electoral Institute (INE) ), Lorenzo Córdova, warned that violations of the law could lead the Electoral Tribunal of the Federation Judiciary (TEPJF) to annul the process.

In this regard, the Head of Government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum, replied this Friday at her press conference that it would be “the last straw” for the democratic exercise to be held this Sunday, April 10, to be invalidated. It is worth mentioning that she was one of the officials who violated the ban by participating in a rally at the Monument to the Revolution.

