Crediterreno Infonavit: what is the score to access this financing

The Institute reported that the maximum period to apply for this new credit is up to 15 years


A few days ago, the Institute of the National Fund for Workers Housing (Infonavit) surprised the country's workers with a new option to be able to farm their home, although through this funding the score is different from the usual one. In this regard, we will make known how many points are needed to be able to accredit.

This is the new Crediterreno, which Infonavit announced in the framework of its 50th anniversary and through which interested parties will be able to access a space to be able build a house.

According to the Institute, the amount of credit will be determined on a case-by-case basis. They may finance up to 100% of the value that is lower between the amount of the appraisal and the purchase value. An important fact is that the land will remain as a guarantee of its payment.

What is the score to access Crediterreno?

According to Infonavit, in this case the option for this financing is 980 points and not the 1080 points that are normally requested to authorize any other credit.

In addition, those interested will have a bonus in points; however, this will be allocated depending on the age where the land is purchased. For example, there will be some states with higher demand for land, where a higher score can be awarded.


What are the main features?

It will be important to remember that the term, amount, interest rate and financial conditions are determined based on the personal situation, that is, with respect to the situation of each person.

The maximum period to apply is 15 years. The sum of the age plus the period of funding may not exceed 65 years of age.

As with any procedure, a series of steps and requirements are required to apply.

How to do it?

First, interested parties must submit the individual property title free of encumbrance, as well as proof of alignment, appraisal, official land number, technical opinion of the property and the official document accrediting the use of residential or mixed land.


*Subsequently, the beneficiary must enter the Infonavit My Account portal.

*Click on the option “I am interested in a loan” or purchase of land.

*Identify the amount of the credit and financial conditions.

*Integrate the file with the required documents.

*Fill out the credit application.

*Finally register the financing at the nearest Infonavit Service Center (CESI).

And what about the requirements? According to Infonavit, citizens seeking to buy land space to farm, will have to check that it has the necessary services, that is, access to health centers, recreational spaces, sources of employment, supply stores, schools, among others.

In addition, the land must be located away from risk areas such as: caverns, geological faults, flood risk areas, landfills, among others. Infonavit recalled that the objective of launching this project is to meet the historical demand of the working class, who will be able to access financing based on their needs.

The design of this new project was achieved thanks to the reform of the Infonavit Law with which workers will be able to apply for credit in total freedom, directly and without intermediaries.

