What is the National Road Network and why will it be intervened by the Armed Forces

A new Supreme Decree by Pedro Castillo was officially issued as part of the actions being taken by the government amid the protests that are taking place daily.


What is happening in Peru? In the midst of the demonstrations organized in the interior of the country, with as a pillar of mobilization the 2022 transport strike, the central government issued a statement official declaring a state of emergency to the National Road Network for a period of 30 days.

The lack of control in recent days has led to radical measures being taken so that law enforcement agencies can maintain peace in this paralyzed area and affecting the proper functioning of the sectors that were seriously affected by the onset of the pandemic, such as tourism, taking into account that we are close to the beginning of Holy Week, dates where the circulation of tourists to the provinces increases.

But what is the National Road Network and why does it affect the country's internal connections? Below, we give you an explanation about this and show you how important it is to keep Peru connected by roads, bridges, among others.


The National Road Network is described as a whole of Peruvian territory, which includes roads of interest to all inhabitants. It is made up of the main longitudinal and transverse axes, which form the basis of the National Highway System (Sinac), as established by the Road Hierarchy Regulations, in accordance with Supreme Decree No. 017-2007-MTC.



According to public information from the Ministry of Transport and Communications, it is divided into two:

- Longitudinal: it is made up of three axes (PE-1, PE-3 and PE-5), which are divided into north and south trajectories. These are represented as follows:

2 along the longitudinal coast, whose “Km. 0+000″ is located at the Santa Anita highway interchange (PE-1N for the North and PE-1S for the South).

2 on the longitudinal side of the mountain range, whose “Km. 0+000″ is in the La Oroya division (PE-3N for the North and PE-3S for the South).

2 in the longitudinal jungle whose “Km. 0+000″ is located on the Reither bridge (PE-5N for the North and PE-5S for the South).

It should be noted that each of them is complemented by 14 variants and 26 branches.

- Transverse: it is composed of twenty 20 axes, which are established by even numbers starting from PE-02, PE-04, PE-06, and the like. These spread across the territory in a collateral way, communicating the coast with the mountains and jungle, interconnecting the National Longitudinal Road Network.

These axes can have variants and branches, which will be identified with the same name.

Clashes continue in Ica due to stoppage of carriers | VIDEO: Canal N


For 30 calendar days, the National Police will maintain control of internal order with the support of the Armed Forces amid protests and road blockades. This provision was established by Supreme Decree 035-2022-PCM, published in the Bulletin of Legal Standards of the newspaper El Peruano, which bears the signature of President Pedro Castillo; the Chief of the Ministerial Cabinet, Aníbal Torres; and the heads of Defence, the Interior and Justice and Human Rights.

What will happen in that area of the country? During the declared state of emergency, constitutional rights relating to freedom of movement within the national territory, freedom of assembly and personal security are suspended.

The intervention of the National Police and the Armed Forces shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of legislative decrees 1186 and 1095, which regulate the use of force by both institutions.
