What are the requirements for a domestic worker to have IMSS

Here we tell you the rights, how to register and how employers can calculate the fees to be paid


Domestic workers, like other employees, can be affiliated with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) so that they can count on medical services, pharmacy, disability pension, savings fund, social benefits and have the right to be absent due to disabilities.

In order for the domestic worker to be able to count on the benefits provided by the IMSS, the person who gave her the job has to register both her and the employer.

For the person who is an employer:

* They must submit the Single Population Register (CURP)

* Have a personal email

* A cell phone number and full address.

The Domestic Worker:

* You must keep your Single Population Register (CURP)

* Submit your Social Security Number (NSS)

* Provide your personal data such as the full address.

* Provide information about your integrated daily contribution base salary as well as the days worked.


After having all the documents and personal data, the employer must enter the IMSS portal in the section on Incorporation of Domestic Workers which is at the following link: https://adodigital.imss.gob.mx/pth/Prerregistro.do?dispatch=formaDos.

* The site must be filled in with the data of the requirements and must be verified that they are correct

* The address entered by the employer must be the same address where the domestic worker performs her duties.

* On the back tab, the employer must enter the Social Security Number, the address as well as the CURP of the person employed.

* Subsequently, you must share information about the days you work per month and the base salary that the domestic worker receives.

* When you finish filling in all the information requested by the site to register, the site will provide you with information about the fee that you must pay to the IMSS for each person who works at home.

* After that, two documents will be generated that you must print, which are the form of incorporation into the IMSS of the domestic worker and the sheet to make the payment of the fee either through a bank branch or online.

* Employers have until the 20th of each month to make the payment of dues to the IMSS.


* You can ask your employer or boss to be affiliated with the IMSS.

* You must be treated kindly, dignified and respectful.

* You must have a day and a half of rest, depending on the agreement reached by both parties.

* The domestic worker must have good working conditions to ensure her life and health.

* In addition to receiving a cash payment, the domestic worker has the right to have a room and food.

* Your diet should be healthy and your room with good hygiene and comfortable conditions.

* You have the right to rest for 9 hours when you sleep and a three-hour break between the morning and evening shifts.

* You must have respect for your employer and the people who live in the house.

* Take care of the house.