Video: With 10 police officers, they arrested two children who sold sweets in central Oaxaca

The Office of the Human Rights of the People of Oaxaca has already opened an investigation kit for the alleged abuse of authority

Oaxaca police arrested a child for selling sweets

It took at least 10 police officers to arrest two minors who only sold candy on public roads in the state of Oaxaca, which would mean an alleged abuse of authority.

According to a witness who recorded the moment, the events took place on the night of this Tuesday, April 6, in one of the busiest streets in the historic center of the capital.

In the video of just 26 seconds, it can be seen how several elements of the Municipal Public Security Secretariat (SSPM) and a patrol labeled with a “195″ of the agency, led by Commissioner Raúl Ávila Ibarra, rebuke children under 10 years of age.

In addition, you can hear how one of them cries inconsolably when the policemen tried to put him in the patrol car where another was being held.

According to reporter Miguel Ángel Schultz, they were two exploited indigenous children who sell sweets and “marquesitas”, a typical dessert from southeastern Mexico consisting of a rolled crepe filled with cajeta, condensed milk, chocolate, jam or cheese.

He pointed out that Avila Ibarra is a former Federal Police commander who arrived in Oaxaca from Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.

Faced with an alleged abuse of authority, the Office of the Human Rights of the People of Oaxaca (DDHPO) opened the case DDHPO/0570/ (01) /OAX/2022.

In addition, it requested a report from the capital municipality on the reasons for the insurance, the legal status of children, the protocols and criteria by which these actions were carried out, as well as the measures implemented for the immediate care and protection of minors; the place where they were sheltered; as well as the inter-institutional actions carried out for the attention of the case.

The Attorney-General's Office requested the State Prosecutor to initiate a corresponding investigation in the event that children are being victims of the crime of trafficking in persons in its form of exploitation of child labour or the offence that is formed.

While the State Procurator's Office for the Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents of the State of Oaxaca (Prodennao), required it to carry out actions to diagnose the situation of violation, to guarantee the full protection and restitution of the rights of both children.

More information in development.