Pilares Scholarship 2022: requirements to obtain the support of 1,440 pesos

It is aimed at high school, baccalaureate, undergraduate students and they receive the amount depending on the degree they take

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 05NOVIEMBRE2020.- Jóvenes que solicitaron una beca a través del programa Pilares hacen fila para recibir la ayuda, comentaron que ya llevaban varios meses de retraso su entrega debido a la pandemia.
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 05NOVIEMBRE2020.- Jóvenes que solicitaron una beca a través del programa Pilares hacen fila para recibir la ayuda, comentaron que ya llevaban varios meses de retraso su entrega debido a la pandemia. FOTO: MOISÉS PABLO/CUARTOSCURO.COM

The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SECTEI) announced the guidelines of the Pilares Bienestar Scholarship Program, 2022 aimed at the student community between 15 and 29 years of age.

Financial support is for those who are enrolled in a public education institution at the secondary, high school and university levels. In addition to the scholarship, they will receive advice and educational support in the Pilares Cyberschools.

The main objective of the programme is to eradicate educational backwardness and ensure that beneficiaries have free, secular, quality, gender-sensitive and intercultural education.

SECTEI highlighted that the PILARES Bienestar Scholarship, 2022 benefits students from all public institutions and universities in any form and that it attends PILARES”.


He also indicated that the dates for receiving applications to join the scholarship will be from January to February 2022, through the SECTEI website they will announce the exact days. The results of those who were beneficiaries will share them on February 22, 2022.

What are the amounts of the 2022 Pilares Scholarship?

* For students of basic education at the secondary level they will give 200 supports of 960 pesos per month, for up to a period of ten months.

* In the case of the Higher Secondary Education level, for both online, open or distance modalities, there will be 4,104 supports and the amount they will receive monthly is 960 pesos.

* For students of Higher Education they will grant 4 thousand supports of 1,440 pesos each month.

The call and dissemination of the program will be shared through the SECTEI page at www.sectei.cdmx.gob.mx and on Pilares www.pilares.cdmx.gob.mx, in addition to its social networks such as Facebook: PILARES CDMX; Twitter: @CdmxPilares.

What are the requirements?


* For high school students: they must be residents of the CDMX, be between 15 and 29 years of age, have their Pillars registration that can be obtained when enabled on the website https://pilares.cdmx.gob.mx/registro, Unique Population Registration Key (CURP) ).

* Not having other support of the same nature, not working in government.

* A personal email account that is frequently used because they will receive information about the scholarship procedures. Have the letter of commitment to receive accompaniment or advice in Pilares Cyberschools either in person or online.

* Those who are registered with the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA) can also participate in the activities that take place.

* Baccalaureate and undergraduate students must have the same requirements, although others are added:

* The upper middle school student community can participate if they are enrolled in the online, open or distance modalities of SECTEI Digital Baccalaureate, in Pilares, Online High School SEP, in the Open Preparatory of the Undersecretary of Higher Secondary Education of the Ministry of Public Education, Certification Exam by Partial Assessments of the College of Baccalaureates or in its open education system.

* University students must be enrolled in a degree at public universities, whether online, blended, open or in the school system.

