Margarita Zavala lashed out at Sheinbaum for the Electricity Industry Act: “You didn't understand”

The former first lady of Mexico called López Obrador's reform “junk of law”


The federal deputy for the National Action Party (PAN), Margarita Zavala, rushed against the head of government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum, after the capital's president welcomed the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN) ruling in favor of the Industry Law Electrical.

Through her Twitter account, the former first lady of Mexico commented that the Head of Government “did not understand what was voted on” and called President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's (AMLO) initiative “bodrio de la leta”.

“You didn't understand what was voted for. It was not actually declared constitutional. There was one vote missing so that no amparo needed to be filed to defend against that junk of law. In fact, most said it was unconstitutional. Ask the 4 subjugated ministers,” the panist wrote on social media.

Margarita Zavala's statements came after a publication by Claudia Sheinbaum on the platform. The capital president wrote: “I welcome the resolution of the @SCJN declaring constitutional the Law on the Electricity Industry of President @lopezobrador_ to favor the @CFEmx. #ReformaEléctrica means strengthening our sovereignty and future as a nation.”


On the afternoon of Thursday, April 7, the Plenary of the Court divided itself with four positions in favor of the project, while seven ministers ruled for unconstitutionality, however, eight votes were required for that purpose.

With these four votes, by President Minister Arturo Zaldivar, Loretta Ortiz, Yasmín Esquivel and Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena; it was determined that the Electricity Industry Law did not violate free competition and competition. It was also stated that it does not violate the International Treaties in which Mexico is registered, especially those that respond to economic matters with the Trans-Pacific Association and the Free Trade Agreement with the United States and Canada (T-MEC).

Minister Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo was the first to speak, who said that in his consideration this reform deprives consumers of access to cheaper and cleaner energy. He added that changes to the legal framework for the Electric System do not guarantee that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) produces energy more efficiently.


For her part, Minister Margarita Ríos Farjat began her speech by saying that it did not coincide with the declaration of validity of the project, and although she said that she would give her partial vote, she was inclined to declare the reform that allows the CFE to take precedence in the dispatch order.

While Yasmin Esquivel said that the 2013 Energy Reform did not improve the situation of the CFE, which has more than 80 unused power plants because operating costs exceed profits because it is in the last places in the dispatch order.


With regard to Minister Alberto Pérez Dayán, he argued that the essence of the 2013 Energy Reform was to give priority to the use of clean energy and to promote conditions of competition in order to offer better prices to end users and not for a productive State enterprise.

Minister Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena considered that changes that favor the CFE should be considered constitutional because they do not prevent private participation in the electricity market. For this reason, he spoke in favor of the meaning of Loretta Ortiz's project.

