Marbelle's new attack on Francia Márquez: “Let's see, I prepared some parakeet eggs and I believe you”

The singer again threw darts against the vice-presidential candidate for the Historical Pact after a statement she made to President Iván Duque


Marbelle's darts and provocations do not stop towards the vice-presidential formula of Gustavo Petro, Francia Márquez. It is already known that at the end of March he launched a racist attack on the social leader, saying that it was 'King Kong', a fact that generated outrage in many social and political sectors, including within the same campaign of the Historical Pact towards Casa de Nariño.

Now, the singer vallecaucana once again used her Twitter account to refer to Márquez, who on April 6 threw a dart at President Iván Duque, mentioning in passing her aspiration to become vice-president, stating that, “what really bothers the President of the Republic is that today, a woman who could be the that you have at home working as a service employee, is going to be your vice president. That's what makes him uncomfortable.”

In the face of those words, the singer did not remain silent and through a trill, she again referred to the candidate by citing a publication containing the aforementioned video.

“Let's see! I prepared some parakeet eggs and I believe him,” said the one born in Buenaventura, a mention that is added to other publications that, according to many Twitter users, are racist.


In the face of those words, the answers were not long in coming, and while some questioned it, others took care of supporting it.

“You fall lower and lower The good thing is going to be to see you when Petro wins, what will become of your sad life?” ; “Mrs France knows how to cook, of that I am sure, I imagine that Mrs. Marbelle burns even boiled water” and “You are the worst... A despicable person... No wonder so many misfortunes in her life, she is nothing more than a resentful one, whether she operates, makes up or has money and fame”, were just some of the outstanding reactions.

Precisely, one of these attacks was launched when France, in the middle of a presidential debate, extended the invitation to receive an “ancestral embrace” after the racist attack on Twitter.

Racism not only hurts, but also kills. Racism not only harms us, but hurts those who express it because we don't allow ourselves to build on love and difference. I send Marbelle an ancestral embrace to heal and build from difference,” said Marquez.


In response, the so-called queen of the technocarrilera “returned” her ancestral embrace, stating by the way that she does not “generate confidence” and does not represent her.

And how can we forget the episode in which the aspiring executive branch confessed that at some point she applied to Factor X when Marbelle was a jury member of that program along with José Gaviria and Juan Carlos Coronel.

To this, the singer replied: “I invite you to debate with your opponents, madam, not with me! Go and give an ANCESTRAL hug to PETRO AND BOBOLIVAR... who are leaving her very badly! (...) So that he is dedicating all the tweets to me... it just shows the big fan who joins him for using my name.”

Finally, in the midst of a meeting held at the Hotel Tequendama in Bogotá, Márquez pointed out that she has no grudge towards the Caucana Valley.

“Well, I send Marbelle a lot of love, I send her joy even though she refused my ancestral embrace, my grandmother's embrace. This country is built with love. I have no problem with Marbelle: at some point we will have to meet and here we are”, however, the singer of 'Pearl Necklace' spares no effort in continuing to criticize the one born in Cauca.

