Jennette McCurdy, the star of iCarly, confessed in a book: “I'm glad my mom died”

The former Nickelodeon actress will release a volume for sale where she will talk about the abuses she suffered at the hands of her mother, as well as the eating disorders she faced

Jennette McCurdy, best known for playing Sam Puckett on the famous iCarly show , announced on her social media that on August 9, 2022 she will release a book called I'm Glad My Mom Diedb and it will be published by Simon & Schuster publishing house. In it he tells details about the psychological and sexual abuse that he experienced because of his mother. For some time Jennette had already expressed that she suffered a lot because her mother was obsessed with her being an artist, so she developed eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.

Her mother exploited her since she was very young; as a result, feelings of anxiety, shame, low self-esteem and addictions came. When the actress's progenitor died of cancer in September 2013, she was recording Sam and Cat but left the project after all the confusion caused by this event. The idea for the book came after Jennette McCurdy recovered through therapy and left acting aside.

Some time after his mother died, he decided to venture into writing, directing shorts and theater. So far two of his short films are known; Kenny the story of a thirty-year-old man who instead of following his dreams stays to take care of his sick mother and Strong Independent woman who deals with a girl with bulimia problems because of her mother. In an interview, ibSam and Cat's interpreter explained that ibKenny's short film allowed him to face the death of his mother.

Before it was a book it was a play and Jennette has been presenting it in various places in the United States. The staging expresses things that are too intimate and heartbreaking, such as his problems with alcohol or the stormy relationship with his mother. She commented that she felt dissatisfied despite her success.

The actress revealed that the cover photo of the book was exposed to various tests in order to reflect what she was really trying to say. The confetti that came out of the urn was a way to see the humor within the tragedy, but without seeming too frivolous; that is why the facial expression in the photograph tries to express pain and hope at the same time, according to McCurdy.

The author of the book is very active on her Instagram account, she constantly publishes photographs and advertisements relating to her work and her book. She has openly expressed that she seeks to help young people who are in a similar situation throughout her history since she knows what it is like to go through disorders such as bulimia, anorexia, anxiety, alcohol problems, as well as confronting trauma, abuse and disappointment due to parents.