“Gang of scoundrels”: Fernández Noroña exploded against the SCJN after decision on Electric Law

The Petista deputy also lashed out against Santiago Creel and Margarita Zavala for criticism of the Reformation and Claudia Sheinbaum


The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) declared constitutional the Electricity Industry Act, which was promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( AMLO), in order to give priority to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) for the dispatch of energy.

This project was externated by Minister Loretta Ortiz Ahlf. The Plenary of the Court was divided with four positions in favor, while seven ministers ruled for unconstitutionality; however, eight votes were required for that purpose.

The project by Loretta Ortiz was joined by Yasmín Esquivel, Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena and Arturo Zaldívar himself, who did not get enough votes to declare the Electricity Industry Act unconstitutionality, so “free competition” will remain in the Mexican market.

After this result was announced, several characters expressed their position in this regard. One of them was the controversial deputy for the Labour Party (PT), Gerardo Fernández Noroña, who took advantage of his Twitter account to send a message.

He assured that he does not share the celebration of the decision, since the four “brave” ministers who voted and confronted a “gang of scoundrels”, who privileged private companies in dispatching energy within the national territory.


“Frankly, I don't share the perception of those who celebrate the @SCJN decision. Four brave men in front of a gang of scoundrels. That is the result of the postponed vote to allow greater lobbying of foreign private companies. Where it says lobbying, read buy”, wrote the petista on his official Twitter account.

Users immediately responded, noting that the ministers who voted against were not “brave” but “traitors” to the country for seeking to monopolize the electricity sector in Mexico with the CFE.

In addition, they recalled that the opposition coalition Va X Mexico, made up of PRI, PAN, PRD, had already planned a boycott not to give it any votes in favor, in addition to a 12-point counter-reform that, among the most controversial, includes benefits for private companies to dispatch energy.

“Thank God that the resolution is not due to direct democracy, even in congress it will not happen they need PRI PAN and PRD to pass it, and they have already announced that they will vote against it”, the comments read.

Fernández Noroña not only touched on the subject with this tweet, but he also took the opportunity to attack some members of the National Action Party (PAN) who celebrated the decision of the SCJN and criticized both López Obrador and Claudia Sheinbaum.


The first to respond was the vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies, Santiago Creel, who celebrated the unconstitutionality of AMLO's proposal and was said pending the next resolutions with the district judges and collegiate courts.

Your assertion is inaccurate. They decided on a chingadera but not that it is unconstitutional,” Noroña exclaimed at Creel's request to all Mexicans. “Let's continue to fight together for Mexico. This coming Tuesday AMLO will suffer a further defeat when its constitutional reform is not approved and its electrical scheme will go to the garbage basket.”

Margarita Zavala was his second victim, as she criticized the head of government of Mexico City for not understanding the vote, as Sheinbaum Pardo welcomed the decision of unconstitutionality, when this was not the case.

You didn't understand what was voted for. It was not actually declared constitutional. There was one vote missing so that no amparo needed to be filed to defend against that junk of law. In fact, most said it was unconstitutional. Ask the 4 ministers in question,” wrote the wife of former President Felipe Calderón.

Faced with this comment, the petista, first, criticized the spelling of the blue and white legislator and later affirmed that she too had been wrong, because “she did not declare herself unconstitutional. The bodrio of deputies are those who support @iberdrola”, he said.

