Federico Gutiérrez reacted to the CNE's decision to use his first name on the card

The candidate of the Team for Colombia is confident that people will vote for him regardless of whether he appears on the card with his trailer or his legal name


The candidate for the presidency of Colombia for the Team for Colombia Coalition, Federico Gutiérrez, reacted to the decision announced this Thursday by the National Electoral Council (CNE), a court that forced him to appear on the card of May 29 with his name and surname instead of his trailer, Fico.

Although the nickname is in the logosymbol with which he is identifying himself in the campaign and which will be printed on the card, the candidate on the right will have to appear as Federico Gutiérrez.

The CNE cited article 124 of the Colombian Electoral Code. It states that in the presidential elections “citizens will vote with electoral cards that will have the symbols, emblems and colors of the different parties printed, with clear printing of the name and surnames of the respective candidate.”

Faced with this decision, which runs counter to other cases in which the use of trailers was allowed for elections in other corporations, the former mayor of Medellín spoke from Cartagena, where he traveled to attend the 2022 National Congress of Municipalities.

Apparently, Fico is not intimidated or cared about losing this little battle to the CNE and believes that the voters will choose him anyway.

FICO Gutiérrez is confident in that will win the presidential elections with the name the the the the the the the the the the name

Federico Gutiérrez has maintained the same position in this regard since March 29, when the first draft of the first round card was released by the General Registrar of the Nation.

At that time, a sector of the population indicated that allowing the use of the Fico trailer could establish a closeness with the voter that would represent an advantage over the other candidates. The first time he was asked about it, the former mayor of Medellin said:

In Cartagena, the candidate attended the National Congress of Municipalities, which was attended by leaders from all over the country. Other candidates for the Presidency of the Republic were also invited to the event, but only Gutiérrez was present.

From that place, the candidate took the opportunity to respond to some people who criticize him for aspiring to occupy the Casa de Nariño without first having held a position of national influence, such as a seat in the Colombian Congress.

The candidate added that from the Council and the Mayor's Office of Medellín, the only two public positions he has held in his political life, “we did the full course.”

