Easter in Machu Picchu: how much does it cost to visit the Wonder of the World

From April 14 to 17, Peruvian and foreign tourists will arrive at the citadel as part of the Easter activities in Peru that has Machu Picchu as its favorite destination, in Cusco.




In April, Peru is preparing for the mobilization of tourists throughout the country as part of the celebrations for Easter 2022. Among the most popular destinations is Cusco, the territory of the Inca empire and which protects Machu Picchu, the Wonder of Modern World that attracts thousands of travelers from all parts of the world, activating the tourism sector that was seriously affected by the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, in early March 2020.

Thanks to the facilities provided in relation to the restrictions, Peruvians will be able to visit this impressive place, which has its own rules for visitors to maintain order and avoid crowds.

Get ready for your trip! Easter in Peru: check the price of air and bus tickets for this holiday

According to the Ministry of Culture, those who wish to enter Machu Picchu will have an entry time, which will be marked on the ticket they will receive. You can see it on the top left. You have to calculate your time well, since you only have 60 minutes to do the tour.


All those interested in visiting this historic area must purchase an entrance ticket in advance through the official website or at the offices located at Calle Maruri 340 and/or Garcilaso S/N in the city of Cusco. Important: there is no establishment for sale in Aguas Calientes.

If you purchase a “llaqta de Machu Picchu” ticket you will be allowed to choose one of the four established circuits. The ticket that includes the Waynapicchu or Huchuypicchu Mountains only allows you to start a tour of circuit 4. On the other hand, the Machu Picchu mountain ticket gives you access to circuit 3. According to RM No. 216-2018-MC, it is recommended that you visit in the company of a tour guide.

La ciudadela Machu Picchu, una ciudad inca del siglo XV y famosa a nivel mundial desde el viaje exploratorio del estadounidense Hiram Bingham en 1911.
La ciudadela Machu Picchu, una ciudad inca del siglo XV y famosa a nivel mundial desde el viaje exploratorio del estadounidense Hiram Bingham en 1911.

For those who wish to take a tour in the Inca territory, they need to purchase a ticket in advance, especially since these non-working days, people travel for the purpose of rest and learn more about our history.


The fare is divided into three groups: for Cusqueños, the general public and for those travelers who belong to the Andean Community (CAN).

- General: adult S/ 200, student S/125, minors S/ 118

- Members of the CAN: adult S/ 64, student S/32, minors S/ 32

- Cusqueños: they don't pay.

Esto es Machupicchu
Esto es Machupicchu


According to your booking, these are the available routes:

- Circuit 4+Waynapicchu Mountain

- Machu Picchu Mountain+circuit 3

- Circuit 4+Huchuypicchu Mountain

When you decide which ticket you want, you will see a calendar on the screen to choose the date of visit and who are the people who want to take the tour. You must manage a maximum of 5 visitors per booking. All children between the ages of 3 and 17 are considered minors. Finally, we click on the blue “Availability” button.

If you find an available appointment, the next step is to start the purchase process in which you will detail the personal details of the visitors and the payment method that you will use.

A tip from the Decentralized Department of Culture Cusco for tourists is that before buying a ticket they must confirm the means of transport (train or bus) and the time of arrival in Machu Picchu town. It records the transfer time to the point of entry (Bus Consetur) well because tickets can only be used at the selected time.


