Due to delimitation delimitation of the Santurbán wasteland, they request to investigate the mayor of California, Santander

A social and environmental organization sent a letter to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Public Prosecutor's Office to investigate the president of this locality, for allegedly hindering the delimitation process


The Foundation for the Great Social Pact of California (GPS) requested to carry out an investigation against the mayor of the municipality of California, Santander, Genny Gamboa Guerrero, and her work team, for, allegedly, blocking the process of delimiting the Santurbán Paramo.

Through a letter sent to the Attorney General's Office, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the delegate defender for collective environmental rights, the environmental organization stated that the president, as well as the social manager and the local administration team “have been blocking the possibilities that grassroots communities, which we want to participate, we can sit down with the national government” to advance the delimitation of one of the country's strategic ecosystems, which should have been carried out four years ago.

“But we also ask that she be investigated because she is promoting illegal activities in our municipality and for urging hatred and discrimination towards the inhabitants of the municipality who do not agree with her actions, all of this for economic and political purposes by making statements both she and her husband on different networks by pointing out defenders of multinational companies that have nothing to do with this process of delimitation”, the letter states.

They also asked the magistrate of the Administrative Court of Cundinamarca, Solange Blanco, to urge the president of this town north of Santander to suspend these alleged actions, which would be impeding the progress of the conciliation phase of the paramo delimitation, which has been taking place in other locations for the purpose of convening the community and participating in meetings with the Ministry of Environment.

In turn, they asked the Prosecutor's Office and the supervisory bodies to open an investigation against William Duarte Pico, a public official who, according to the organization, had sent a letter to the Environment portfolio and to the Mayor's Office requesting the postponement of the meeting that was convened by the national government to advance the agreement , for allegedly preventing “the right to due process of delimitation of the Santurbán paramo”.

“It is not a mere coincidence that just after we publicly denounce the strategy of sabotage to the process of delimitation being carried out by the mayor of our municipality and her work team, this character, a friend of her husband, with influences on the municipal administration and personality of Bucaramanga, appears on the scene in the Government and the National Police, proclaiming itself as a representative of the community and asking for a further postponement of the meeting until after the presidential elections,” the organization said with reference to Duarte Pico.

Finally, they asked the Ministry of Environment, as well as the mayor, to maintain the date for the planned meeting in order to advance the process of delimitation of the Santurbán paramo, as well as guarantee the right to community participation, because “from the beginning our interest in intervening has been expressed actively”.

