Controversy over restaurant administrator who threw a waiter's salary in the face in Bogotá: “What I did wasn't right. That's why I apologize.”

The video of what happened in the place went viral on social networks. Many criticized and even threatened the woman, who was sorry for what happened.


On social networks, a video of an alleged labor abuse at La Pescadería restaurant went viral in a very short time. The events occurred at the point located in the Nuestro Bogotá Shopping Center and in the images that were shared by a user on Facebook, a heated discussion between a local waiter and another worker, who apparently would be the administrator of the restaurant can be evidenced.

Laura Estrada, who was the person who shared the video, apparently the waiter was demanding that the administrator pay him the tips that were due to him, however, in the unease of this whole situation, some people who were in the place asked the boy to calm down, but he insisted that he be to pay his money, so the woman, who would be the administrator of the business, approaches and throws some bills in his face. An act that was harshly criticized on social networks.

To this the waiter responds: “So humiliating!” , followed by some rudeness, a man, who apparently and according to the versions reported by people who were in another restaurant and seeing what was happening tried to calm the waiter, but the situation became complicated when another waitress started to beat the boy who was being held by the diner, but he managed to drive her away.

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This whole situation happened before the eyes of several people who were in the place, Laura Estrada, who was the person who released this video, said with the publication that in the: “La Pescadería CC Nuestro Bogotá restaurant, a worker claiming that he will be paid for his days worked, the owner or administrator throws money on him in the face and one of the waitresses claimed to be the daughter of Mrs. and she starts beating the man repeatedly before the video and after. Then among all they corner him and beat him because he is demanding his payment and telling them that they are humiliating people, which is evident in the video... what a bad restaurant with the treatment of its employees.”

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This video generated outrage and anger among users who claimed that they did not have to humiliate the waiter in this way. Even the administrator of the place has received several threats against her and from the restaurant. In an interview with Semana, the woman who identifies herself as Mary and who was the person who threw the money to the young man, talked about what happened in the restaurant and explained the situation.

According to Mary, the man would have entered the restaurant a few weeks ago, he was on probation, however, his attitudes and behaviors with some of his colleagues were not the best, he even missed work, because of this they made the decision that once the trial period was over, not to extend his contract. According to the woman, that day of the discussion she was going to be paid 80,000 pesos on the working day, however, she was told that the tips would be given to her the following Monday, since they enter a common bag for all waiters and are distributed equally.

Apparently that day, the waiter would have disagreed about this and began to insult the administrator and her daughter, which is why her husband intervened and would be the person in the video holding him. “Out of anguish, from frustration, I throw at him what I have in my hand, which are banknotes, but I had never reacted like this, I don't know myself.”

“What I did wasn't right. That's why I apologize. I apologize to the boy a thousand. I'm super sorry. It hurts me a lot because I am not a bad person, I have fought all my life, to love animals, nature, children, humans and it hurts a lot. I can't go outside, I'm really scared and really bad, “said the restaurant manager to Semana.

