Comas: three men were killed by suspected hit men in a park, in front of children

The killers arrived on two linear motorcycles and fired at the victims more than 30 times. They have not yet been identified and the case is still under investigation.


On the night of April 7, in the park “Año Nuevo” very close to Miguel Grau Avenue, in the district of Comas, a group of hit men three people were killed in front of the local market located on Juan Velasco Alvarado Avenue. The men so far have not been identified.

According to witnesses to the incident, two people arrived at the scene aboard two linear motorcycles and fired more than 30 times at their victims. The most worrying thing is that they didn't care that there were about 30 children playing in the recreation park.

The victims arrived at the park aboard two vehicles, a taxi and a van. They would have been talking with some friends until the two motorcycles arrived in the area and one of the hit men shot them at close range. The victims tried to run away, but were hit by bullets.


Law enforcement officers from the Pascana police station arrived at the scene and cordoned off the area, then the crime experts arrived. There was also the presence of the prosecutor on duty, with whom the bodies were taken to the Collique morgue, to continue the investigations. More than 20 bullet casings were found.

The victims' families also arrived at the scene, but avoided all contact with the press.

Although those killed have not been identified, there are some versions of the reason for the crime and who the alleged hit men would be. It is thought that they would be members of Civil Construction; although it is a version not corroborated by the authorities.

On the other hand, it is presumed that one of those killed was an officer of the National Police. In another version, it is thought that one of the victims was a businessman and the other two were police officers who worked as security. So far, however, the crime remains in the area of investigation.

In the park where the crime was committed there were about 30 children playing. | VIDEO: Buenos Dias Peru (Panamericana)


The residents of the “New Year” urbanization have denounced and reiterated their request for increased security and patrolling in the area. They point out that, just a month ago, a couple had been killed in the same park, which has not had lighting for a long time.

These crimes occur in the context of the State of Emergency in Lima and Callao, which has been extended for another 45 days, starting on March 20


Right to liberty: subjects of rights may engage in any kind of activity, which involves the exercise of other fundamental rights other than freedom, as long as they do not violate with it the norms that make up public order, good customs and those that are imperative in nature.

Inviolability of domicile: Rights subjects may prevent any other person from entering their home to carry out investigations, searches or other grounds if they do not authorize it or when third parties do not have a court order. They may not prevent it, however, in the event of a flagrante delicto or very serious danger of its perpetration.

Freedom of assembly: Subjects of rights may group, congregate or assemble, without prior notice, both in private places and open to the public as long as they do so peacefully. On the contrary, meetings in public places or roads require advance notice to the authority, which may prohibit them only for proven reasons of safety or public health.

Freedom of transit within the national territory: The subjects of rights, in principle, can move freely, within the national territory in which they have their domicile and also outside it, which implies being able to choose where to live. Except for health reasons or by court order or by application of the Aliens Act.
