This is' Lila ', the first female vibrator for women with disabilities created in Colombia

The project, designed by researchers at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, seeks to guarantee the sexual autonomy of people without upper limbs or with limited mobility


In Colombia, sexuality is increasingly becoming inclusive. This was announced by the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC), after it announced that it granted the national invention patent to the Industrial University of Santander (UIS), for the creation of a device for the autonomous sexual stimulation of women with reduced mobility or absence of upper limbs.

'Lila', as the vibration device was called, was created by the graduates of the School of Industrial Design of the UIS, Leidy Johanna Monsalve Arias and Rubiel Fernando Martínez García, under the direction of Professor Juan Carlos Moreno Muñoz, in the absence of elements that allow women with disabilities to be able not only recognize their sexuality, but also self-explore their body.

As detailed by the UIS, the device is composed of a vibration mechanism that has a saddle shape covered in silicone and that allows the user to make movements with her body to stimulate certain points of the clitoris without having full penetration.

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The mechanism also stands out because, being designed for women with reduced mobility or without upper limbs, it has a device that allows the consumer to handle 'Lila' with her foot.

The novel female sexual stimulator was tested in more than 30 women who voluntarily agreed to be part of the research process. Among them were members of 'Colectiva Polimorfas', a women's group from Bogotá that supports women with disabilities or functional diversity.

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After being tested and validated by women with disabilities, the creators of 'Lila' were able to show that the device gives this female population the possibility of enjoying their sexuality autonomously.

“This exercise gave us a lot because it was these women who gave us ideas, told us about their experiences and received the product with great emotion. What they liked the most is that someone finally thought about them and more about their sexual needs. For them it was very important because they need assistance all the time, even to have relationships, and with that device they can have greater ease and privacy,” said Monsalve in a dialogue with the newspaper Vanguardia.

For this innovative system, the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC) granted the UIS the national invention patent for the creation of 'Lila'. “We believe that this product will have a very high social impact, from the standpoint of taboo in the face of sexuality, prejudice and religious beliefs of most people. If we are able to give a person autonomy in their privacy, we are enabling dignity, and that is one of the most important contributions we consider we are making with this project,” said Professor Juan Carlos Moreno.

Although the female sexual stimulator is not yet for sale, the creators of 'Lila' said they hope to market the device very soon, in order to be able to give women with disabilities autonomy in their sexuality.

