They find a crocodile in a house in Ecatepec

Civil Protection of the municipality, reported on the rescue of a swamp crocodile in the San Agustín neighborhood, which was transferred to the Ehécatl Ecological Park


On Tuesday, April 5, a family resident of the San Agustín Primera Sección colony, located in the municipality of Ecatepec, got a big scare after discovering that there was a crocodile about one meter long in their home.

Residents of South Street 8, heard some strange noises at dawn, so they went out into the courtyard only to find the specimen crawling very close to the door that faces the street.

Not knowing exactly what to do and in the shock caused by having found an animal like that in their home, the family asked the municipal authorities for help, who rescued it and then handed it over to staff of the Directorate of Ecology and Environment. They took care of moving it to the Ehécatl Ecological Park where wildlife is exhibited and cared for.

He posted on his Twitter account, the municipality's civil protection body.


Acoyani Baroco Bonilla, head of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Ecatepec, commented that this could be a case of trafficking in animals, since this type of species are illegally marketed as pets without proper conditions or habitat in private homes, and there is no knowledge of the basic care that these species need for their proper development.

The official called on citizens to report such acts with the aim of curbing the trafficking and exploitation of species of fauna wild. Also, after carrying out a medical evaluation, he reported that the animal was stable despite the lesions it presented on the scales due to improper handling and lack of care.

Xihuitl Tecuizpo, a volunteer at the Ehécatl Ecological Park, said.

Shortly after the rescue, one of the neighbors argued that the reptile was his property and that the animal probably escaped and slipped into the yard of the next house. However, the authorities decided to continue to secure the copy for safekeeping.

For his part, the mayor of the municipality, Fernando Vilchis, recognized through his social networks the Civil Protection and Fire Department of Ecatepec, as well as the Department of Environment and Ecology of Ecatepec for the assurance of swamp crocodile.

He reported that the copy would be channeled to the Wildlife Research Center and also asked the Ecatepenans not to encourage illegal trade in these species.


According to the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection, there are 23 species of crocodiles in the world, but the swamp crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) is one of the the three types of reptiles that inhabit Mexican lands, along with the river crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and the alligator (Caiman crocodilus).

The swamp crocodile measures between 3 and 3.5 meters, while the young at birth measure between 25 and 30 centimeters.

Populations exist in Campeche, Quintana Roo, Yucatan, Tabasco, Veracruz and Tamaulipas, but they have recently found populations in San Luis Potosi and in the Altamira Lagoon, near Tampico in Tamaulipas.


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