These are the countries where foreigners most come to Colombia for tourism

Incoming tourism has already exceeded pre-pandemic figures in the country


This Thursday, April 7, the Colombian Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies released new figures that reaffirm the good performance of the economic recovery in the country. According to the guild, the scenario is reflected as optimistic for receptive tourism in the country.

So much so that, as he commented, “despite the revaluation of the peso against the dollar, the arrival of foreign visitors to the country continues to normalize and in some cases has reached growth, compared to the figures recorded in the pre-pandemic”.

In this regard, Paula Cortés Calle, executive president of Anato, indicated that national tourism is increasingly being reaffirmed as one of the most sought after by international visitors.

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This is how Anato, based on figures from Migration Colombia, revealed that during the first two months of 2022 453,417 foreign visitors entered, which meant a 68% reactivation, compared to the same months in 2019 when 663,286 came in.

The main countries of origin were the United States, which reported a 2% growth, with 111,150 records, compared to the 109,140 revealed in the same period in 2019; followed by Ecuador, with a 90% reactivation; Panama with 88%, Mexico with 83%; and Peru with 79%.

These figures contrast with others presented by the association in recent hours, also based on data from Migration Colombia, according to which in the first two months of 2022 689,403 Colombians left abroad, which means a 95% reactivation.

In this regard, the report of the association detailed that February was the first month, after the reactivation, in which “pre-pandemic records were exceeded, when the outflow exceeded 300,000 Colombians, which corresponds to a 5% growth, compared to the more than 287,000 that came out in the same month of 2019 ″.

It was also known that the countries with the highest growth in the registration of visits were the Dominican Republic with 108 per cent; Mexico with 85 per cent; Chile with 53 per cent; Spain, with 40 per cent; and the United States with 11 per cent.

According to the association, close to 133,000 Colombians are expected to travel abroad by Easter, which would mean a 6% growth compared to the same season in 2019.

