The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation decides on the constitutionality of the AMLO Electric Law

The Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) resumed the session on Thursday to analyze and vote on the constitutionality of the changes to the Electricity Sector System endorsed by Congress in March 2021, which seek that the Federal Electricity Commission has priority in the generation and distribution of energy in Mexico.

Minister JoJorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo was the first to speak, who said that in his consideration this reform deprives consumers of access to cheaper and cleaner energy. He added that changes to the legal framework for the Electric System do not guarantee that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) produces energy more efficiently.

For Pardo Rebolledo, “this reform does cause disruption to free competition” and pointed out that this situation leads to a disincentive for electricity costs not to be the most economical for end users.

Minister Norma Lucía Piña Hernández did not share the methodology of the rapporteur Minister Loretta Ortiz Ahlf's project and in her position established that according to her criteria the modification in the dispatch order violates the principle of free competition.

Piña Hernández, alluded to the Paris Agreement and spoke out for stating that the reform in which the CFE was given preponderance violates international treaties on environmental protection and global warming.

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