SJM: Collectivers charge up to 160 soles to travel south after transport stoppage

Daily passage costs 30 and 35 soles, but in the face of the stoppage of carriers and the blocking of carts, the collectivers are taking advantage and charging a high price.


The collectivers are doing their thing by charging really high prices to transfer passengers from the district of San Juan de Miraflores to the southern region. As can be seen, the charge to go to this area fluctuates between 60 and 160 soles.

It is worth mentioning that before the stoppage of carriers began, a ticket cost between 30 and 35 soles by car and 10 soles by bus.

A few blocks from the Atocongo Terrestrial Terminal are collectivers that offer their services to take passengers to the south and center of the country, despite the fact that the terminal is operational. However, it was known that buses are not leaving for this area due to road blocks.

Some travel agencies in the Terrestrial Terminal are already selling tickets to the north, however, trips to the south, although they are selling some, offer no guarantees that they will make it to the destination, due to the strike in the Pan-American.

Let us remember that early this Wednesday there were riots in the Pan-American South at the height of Chinatown. Dozens of protesters had blocked tracks and main avenues with stones and sticks.

According to images released by the media that arrived in the area, carriers, agricultural workers and villagers placed huge stones on the road to prevent the passage of heavy-duty vehicles, interprovincial buses and private vehicles. As you could see, some of these units had to leave the road in order to avoid the stones.

The Villacurí sector commissioner had confirmed a truce between the protesters and Minister Alfonso Chávarry, who came to this sector to try to calm the protesters and the wave of violence that occurred in this region. However, the truce was short-lived.

Collectivers do their thing to transport passengers to the south of the country.

We as a police station have worked through the community police station. We have suffered damage to property and injuries and after the dialogue with them, the roads have been released for two hours so that all the people who have been stranded for three days in Chinatown can transit, he said.

According to the Protestants, what they ask is to “regulate prices. The people who came to burn the toll are the people from pisco. None of us are doing a vandalism act. The minister is coming today, and we want a dialogue table to settle everything. We have a truce right now until 2 in the afternoon is the pass and from there the roads are blocked again and we will see what happens,” said Marcelo Gonzales for the PTR cameras.

Let us remember that many of the buses carrying passengers were stoned and on several occasions they struck out their tires so that they could not continue on their route.

The most affected were the passengers, who had to get out of the units to avoid being hit or falling a stone.


The Government regretted the death of citizen Jhony Quinto Contreras, which occurred during the demonstrations recorded this Wednesday in the Ica region. It also called for the cessation of violence, the restoration of social peace and the resolution of the population's demands through dialogue.

In a message posted on the Twitter account, the Government expressed its condolences to the family and friends of the young man who lost his life.

The Government regrets the death of citizen Jhony Quinto Contreras in Ica. We extend our condolences to their families. We call for the cessation of violence, the restoration of social peace and the resolution of the population's demands through dialogue,” the statement read.

