Several injured and damaged vehicles left the clash between indigenous people and the police in Bogotá National Park

The riots lasted until midnight on Wednesday. The Personería and the Office of the Ombudsman mediated to stop the riots


Again, in the vicinity of the National Park, clashes were reported between demonstrators from the Embera community who have intermittently stayed in that area of the center of the Colombian capital as a form of protest against the national government, which has not guaranteed that they will be able to return to their territories in the face of the wave of violence. against him in departments such as Cauca, Chocó, Nariño, Risaralda, among others.

The situation left several indigenous people injured, although the authorities have not yet reported how many they would be. This is due to the fact that members of the Mobile Anti-Riot Squadron (Esmad) launched dispersal elements like gases, according to some citizens, including against women and children who were on the spot.

The Zero Asymmetry Foundation rejected the presence of the uniformed and, through Twitter, stated that: “The presence of Esmad in the vicinity of the National Park is unheard of. Let this not become a new scenario of repentance for what has been committed, Mayor Claudia López! There are more than 300 babies, children and pregnant women accompanying the Indigenous strike.”

However, the Metropolitan Police of Bogotá (Mebog) indicated that it was the communities themselves that left the most vulnerable in front.

“The respective dialogue protocol is carried out by the different authorities, for almost three and a half hours, which did not work. Also mention that children were used, who were instrumentalized and placed as human shields,” reported Colonel Herbert Benavidez, deputy commander of the Mebog.

The senior official also assured that there were a series of dismantles in the area that not only affected mobility, but also damaged establishments in that sector.

“Subsequently, vandalism actions are initiated by these people, which is why the intervention is carried out by our specialized units. On the other hand, the windows of a dealership in that area were vandalized,” he said.

Benavidez also indicated that after clashes with indigenous protesters, mayoral officials, as well as several uniformed men were injured.

“Seven policemen who were injured both with blunt objects and some kind of darts that were thrown by these people. Six cohabitation managers were also injured and there was also a temporary retention of two of them,” he said.

The official also indicated that mobility in the sector was the most affected, and that there were even times when drivers were asked for money to allow them to pass.

“30 vehicles, both private and public service, did not allow them to move. They were also threatened and intimidated (even) being asked for money. As the first balance, we have vandalized six buses of the Integrated Public Transport System, three private cars and an ambulance,” added the official.

Meanwhile, the personería de Bogotá reported that they were also present to help with the unblocking of the surrounding roads.

“Due to this disruption in mobility in this sector, many cars were left unable to leave, given this situation our guardians have mediated to allow the mobility of these vehicles. We call for healthy coexistence and for dialogue to prevail as a method of solving problems”, they trinated in that entity.

Even the Ombudsman's Office also went to the National Park. “We did the verification of the police deterrence procedure. We protect the rights of the local community, passers-by and indigenous people.”, they posted on their official Twitter account.

