SEP calendar: how many days of Easter holidays will children enjoy

Minors will also enjoy a bridge during the same month and shortly after their vacation period




This month, millions of students in basic education, that is, preschool, primary and secondary school will be able to enjoy their Easter holiday period. In this regard, we will make known how many days the minors will take and what is the April bridge they will also have to rest.

It should be remembered that the epidemiological traffic light is currently in green throughout the country, so classes are held in person and following the health protocols established in each campus, to prevent COVID-19 infections.

Holidays will be granted to all children in basic education and following the calendar governed by the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), as well as an extra long weekend that will be given this month.

Alumnos de preescolar, primaria y secundaria tendrán 10 días de vacaciones. (Foto: Pixabay)
Alumnos de preescolar, primaria y secundaria tendrán 10 días de vacaciones. (Foto: Pixabay)

How many vacation days are there?

Minors will enjoy exactly 10 days of vacation rest, since according to the dates established in the school calendar, they will officially begin from next Monday, April 11 and until Friday 22 of the same month.

In this way, students will have to resume their school activities until Monday, April 25.

In this sense, for the Catholic population, Holy Week commemorates the passion, resurrection and death of Christ, which is why some individuals or families carry out activities related to the subject. This year, it runs from Sunday, April 10 to April 16 of the same month.

Holy days, that is, dates of leave that are also established as non-working days for workers in some companies are Thursday 14 and Friday 15 April.

Alumnos también contarán con un puente en abril. (Foto: Pixabay)
Alumnos también contarán con un puente en abril. (Foto: Pixabay)

When is the abril bridge?

In this case, children in basic education will be able to enjoy a long weekend shortly after returning from vacation.

According to the official calendar of the SEP, the bridge will begin from Friday, April 29, due to the meeting of the School Technical Council (CTE) held every end of the month, teachers and managers. It will then join with Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1.

Another good news will be in the renowned month of May, as students will have a non-working day during the first week of activities.

This is the rest for the celebration of the Battle of Puebla, that is, next Thursday, May 5.

The current 2021-2022 school year has several non-working days for minors, due to holidays, meetings by CTE or administrative discharge (day given to teachers by subject of assessments).

What are the dates without classes for the rest of the school year?


-Friday 29 (CTE meeting).


-Thursday 5th (Battle of Puebla)

-Friday 27 (CTE)


-Friday 17 (administrative download)

-Friday 24 (CTE)


-Friday the 29th will start the Summer Vacation. Its conclusion will be announced until the official publication of the next school year 2022-2023.

Meanwhile, it will be important to detail that the days (Thursday and Holy Friday) are not considered holidays, but rather as holidays. Given this, only companies that decide to do so will be able to grant both dates to their workers as rest.


