Prepare chicken chili with this simple recipe

Chili de pollo is one of the most beloved dishes of Peruvian cuisine. In the following note we leave you an easy recipe for you to prepare at home.

Peruvian cuisine is known as one of the most delicious around the world due to the large repertoire of traditional dishes that it has and have become popular in different regions of the world over time.

One of the most beloved dishes in Peru is the traditional chicken chili, from which different variants start that have become increasingly known and are even more prepared than the original recipe. This is the case of chili de pollo that follows the classic recipe, but replacing its main ingredient with chicken. This is mostly because, despite the great properties that chicken has, it is often not as easy to get as chicken is one of the most consumed foods in the country.

It doesn't matter if you make it with chicken or chicken, this dish is almost always a guaranteed success wherever you prepare it, and it is even more so among foreigners who are surprised, since in most countries of the world there is no dish that compares to it in texture and taste.

If you want to learn how to prepare a delicious chicken pepper, continue reading the following note in which we bring you this simple Peruvian recipe for you to try at home.

Preparation time: 45 minutes

Servings: Enough for 5 people

Difficulty: Low


-1 chicken breast

-1 large onion

-3 cloves of garlic

-7 units of bread

-4 yellow peppers

-1 can of milk

-3 boiled eggs

-1 tablespoonful of yellow toothpick

-Salt (to taste)

-Pepper (to taste)

-Cumin (to taste)


1. The first thing we will do is have all the ingredients ready and ready to use them, the vegetables and chicken washed and disinfected. Now, we will boil the chicken breast in a pot. When it is ready, we fray it and place it on a plate and reserve it.

2. Once our chicken breast is ready, we can start removing the seeds from the chilies and blend them with a little chicken broth and reserve it for later.

3. After doing this, we put the bread to soak in the milk, let it rest for a few minutes and when it is well impregnated we crush them. We place this kind of puree in a bowl or other container and set aside.

4. Now, we start to chop the onion and sauté it in oil along with the garlic that we have also chopped before. When both ingredients are fried, add the toothpick and crushed chilies and mix everything so that it integrates well. When it's ready, we blend it.

3. Now, in a pot we place the crushed bread with milk, a little chicken broth and the previous preparation and heat it over medium heat until it boils. Then, add salt, pepper and cumin to taste and add the frayed chicken we made earlier to thicken the mixture.

4. When everything is ready, we serve it with half a boiled egg on top and black olives (optional). In addition, in Peruvian cuisine it is customary to accompany chicken chili with white rice.