Mexico Justo asks Court to guarantee low-cost electricity supply and healthy competition

The civil association “Mexico Justo” warned the ministers of the SCJN about the risks, among other issues in the area of competitiveness, of the Electricity Industry Law promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Imagen de archivo. Vista general de líneas de transmisión eléctrica de alto voltaje propiedad de la estatal mexicana CFE, en Santa Catarina, en las afueras de Monterrey, México. 9 de febrero de 2021. REUTERS/Daniel Becerril
Imagen de archivo. Vista general de líneas de transmisión eléctrica de alto voltaje propiedad de la estatal mexicana CFE, en Santa Catarina, en las afueras de Monterrey, México. 9 de febrero de 2021. REUTERS/Daniel Becerril

This Thursday, ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) discuss in plenary session the constitutionality of the Electricity Industry Law, promoted last year by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Ibrador (AMLO). The initiative seeks to give priority to the National Electricity Commission (CFE) over private companies in energy dispatch. Many voices, inside and outside Mexico, have spoken out against this project. The opposing arguments are also varied, ranging from the preservation of clean energy to equality in competition issues.

The Mexico Justo civil association is one of the organizations that has raised its voice about it. This Thursday they sent the following letter addressed to the ministers of the Supreme Court.


Ministers and Ministers members of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

The Plenary Session of the Council of Mexico Justo.Org, Asociación Civil, (“Mexico Justo”) views with great interest and concern the analysis to be carried out in the country's High Court regarding the Electricity Industry Law, which has been so controversial and generated various complaints to our country by local and foreign businessmen, especially those related to the commitments made in the T-MEC.

They have in their hands, the possible increase in the cost of energy services, with the consequent lack of access to the human right to affordable and sustainable electricity by the inhabitants of our country, and there are also concerns about the partial behavior of Minister Loretta Ortiz, in such a situation the task that is has assigned them, but we are confident in the responsible and lawful behavior that most members of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation have demonstrated, in resolutions of great importance to Mexico.

Mexico today has on itself the spotlight of the whole world, we ask you to make us proud of the independence of powers and above all of the application and respect for the Constitutional Rule of Law that must be maintained in order to bring certainty to local and foreign investments.

In the opinion of Mexico Justo, which brings together important academics from all over Mexico, the Court's duty to guarantee low-cost electricity supply and healthy competition that will boost the growth of our country and the generation of jobs is clear.

We are sure that they will make the best decision for Mexico and for Mexicans who are entrepreneurs, workers, household managers, and in general all the country's electricity consumers.


México Justo.Org A C.

