Jorge Antonio López Peña: Profile and resume of the new Minister of Health

The new head of Minsa had been appointed as Deputy Minister of Public Health by Hernán Condori, the former Minister of Health censored by the Congress of the Republic.


This Thursday morning, Jorge Antonio López Peña was sworn in as the new Minister of Health to replace Hernán Condori, the questioned former minister of that sector, who was forced to leave office after his censorship was approved in the Congress of the Republic on March 31.

It should be noted that Jorge López Peña had been serving as Deputy Minister of Public Health, a position in which he had replaced Gustavo Rosell, who left the post after the departure of former Minister of Health Hernando Cevallos.

In addition, on March 11, López Peña was appointed as Deputy Minister of Public Health by outgoing Hernán Condori, so it is believed that he would also be close to the circle of Vladimir Cerrón and the governing party, Peru Libre.


López Peña is a surgeon at the National University of Central Peru (UNCP). He also works as an assistant in that house of studies.

In addition, he was director of the Daniel Alcides Carrión Regional Teaching Hospital in Huancayo, in the Junín region.

The new head of Minsa completed the specialty of Radiology at the Universidad San Martín de Porres, and has a Master's degree in Health Sciences and Health Management at the National University of Huánuco.

During the ceremony to take office this Thursday, López Peña said: “For my family, for my Peru, for health for all, with quality without distinction, I swear.”